Aeropuerto Internacional Mariano Matamoros | 机场过境旅游


Mariano Matamoros 国际机场 (MMO)


  • 国家:墨西哥
  • 城市:库埃纳瓦卡(莫雷洛斯州首府)


  • 亚热带气候,全年温暖湿润
  • 夏季高温,最高可达 35°C
  • 冬季温和,最低可达 15°C



  • 库埃纳瓦卡主教座堂: 16 世纪的天主教教堂,以其哥特式和巴洛克式建筑而闻名。
  • 夸乌纳瓦克宫: 19 世纪的宫殿,曾是墨西哥皇帝马克西米连一世和他的妻子夏洛特的住所。
  • Xochicalco 考古遗址: 前哥伦比亚时期的考古遗址,以其金字塔、球场和雕塑而闻名。


  • 哈尔迪内斯·贝尔梅霍斯植物园: 拥有 1300 多种植物物种,包括本土和外来植物。
  • Las Estacas 国家公园: 以其壮观​​的瀑布和翠绿的河流而闻名的自然保护区。
  • Tequesquitengo 湖: 一个风景如画的湖泊,适合水上运动和休闲活动。


  • Jardín Borda: 一个历史悠久的公园,拥有喷泉、小径和美丽的鲜花。
  • Museo de Arte Indígena: 展出来自不同墨西哥土著群体的传统艺术和手工艺品的博物馆。
  • Mercado de Artesanías de Tepoztlán: 一个传统市场,出售当地手工艺品、纺织品和纪念品。


Exploring the Enchanting Surroundings of Mariano Matamoros International Airport

Nestled amid the vibrant landscape of Morelos, Mariano Matamoros International Airport (MMO) offers a gateway to countless captivating experiences. Embark on an unforgettable journey as you venture beyond the airport grounds and discover the hidden gems that await you nearby.

Tequesquitengo Lake: A Crystal-Clear Oasis

Just a short drive from MMO, the shimmering waters of Tequesquitengo Lake (Lago de Tequesquitengo) beckon. This pristine lake is renowned for its crystal-clear azure waters, making it an ideal spot for swimming, boating, and soaking up the sun on its sandy shores.

Taxco: The City of Silver

Venture an hour north of the airport to the enchanting city of Taxco. Known as the "City of Silver," Taxco is renowned for its intricate silver jewelry crafted by skilled artisans. Stroll through its cobblestone streets, admire the baroque architecture, and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of this colonial gem.

Xochicalco: Ancient Ruins Amid Nature

Uncover the mysteries of ancient civilizations at Xochicalco, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This pre-Columbian archaeological site, located approximately 40 minutes northeast of MMO, features impressive pyramids, ball courts, and a ceremonial cave adorned with stunning carvings.

Grutas de Cacahuamilpa: Underground Wonders

Explore the subterranean wonders of Grutas de Cacahuamilpa, a sprawling cave system just an hour's drive from the airport. Marvel at towering stalactites and glistening stalagmites as you navigate the vast caverns and witness the extraordinary beauty hidden beneath the earth's surface.

El Salto de San Antón: A Thundering Waterfall

Embark on a scenic hike to El Salto de San Antón, a breathtaking waterfall situated about 20 minutes from MMO. Ascend through lush vegetation and listen to the thunderous roar of the cascading waters. Capture unforgettable photographs as you witness the raw power and beauty of nature.

Additional Tips:

  • Rent a car at the airport for easy transportation to these nearby destinations.
  • Allow ample time for exploration, as each location offers unique experiences.
  • Bring sunscreen, comfortable walking shoes, and a camera to document your adventures.

As you explore the captivating surroundings of Mariano Matamoros International Airport, you will create memories that will last a lifetime. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty, cultural heritage, and ancient mysteries that await just beyond the tarmac.


在 Mariano Matamoros 国际机场附近的难忘家庭之旅

我们最近一次去墨西哥旅行,游览了 Mariano Matamoros 国际机场 (MMO) 附近的地区,度过了一段难忘的时光。

探索瓦尔特马塔莫罗斯 (Cuautla Matamoros)

从机场出发,我们前往瓦尔特马塔莫罗斯,这是一个迷人的小镇,距离机场只有 15 分钟车程。这个小镇拥有丰富的历史和文化,拥有令人惊叹的建筑和教堂,如圣玛利亚大教堂 (Catedral de Santa María) 和圣弗朗西斯科教堂 (Templo de San Francisco)。

参观巴尔扎斯 (Balsas)

巴尔扎斯是一个风景如画的湖泊,距离机场约 20 分钟车程。我们沿着湖岸漫步,欣赏壮丽的景色,并乘船游览,寻找当地的野生动物。

远足奇瓦瓦山脉 (Sierra de Chihuahua)

对大自然爱好者来说,奇瓦瓦山脉 (Sierra de Chihuahua) 是一片不容错过的天堂。我们远足了山区小径,呼吸着新鲜空气,欣赏着令人难以置信的风景。


MMO 周围地区拥有丰富的美食选择。我们品尝了正宗的墨西哥菜肴,如 pozole、tamales 和 birria,以及小镇的当地特色菜。


我们在 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Cuautla 住了两晚,这是一家舒适且现代的酒店,靠近机场和其他景点。



我们的家人在 Mariano Matamoros 国际机场附近度过了一段美好的时光。我们享受了丰富的历史、自然奇观和美味的美食,为我们的墨西哥之旅创造了难忘的回忆。

