Aeropuerto Internacional Silvio Pettirossi | 机场过境旅游




  • 国家:巴拉圭
  • 城市:卢克(距离亚松森市中心 9 公里)


  • 亚热带气候,全年温暖潮湿
  • 夏季(12 月至 2 月):气温高达 38°C
  • 冬季(6 月至 8 月):最低气温可降至 0°C


  • 两个航站楼(国内和国际)
  • 免税店
  • 餐饮场所
  • 银行和外币兑换处
  • Wi-Fi


  • 对于大多数国家/地区的公民,最多可免签停留 90 天
  • 持有效护照和返程机票
  • 可能需要出示证明巴拉圭停留目的的证明(例如酒店预订或旅游行程)


  • 亚松森:巴拉圭首都,拥有丰富的殖民时代建筑、博物馆和餐馆
  • 潘塔纳尔湿地:世界最大的热带湿地,以其丰富的野生动物而闻名
  • 伊泰普水电站:世界上最大的水电站,位于巴拉圭与巴西的边境
  • 耶稣会任务:联合国教科文组织世界遗产,是 17 世纪和 18 世纪耶稣会教团建立的定居点
  • 恩卡纳西翁:巴拉圭东南部的一座城市,拥有宜人的海滩和风景如画的湖泊



阿苏森森的 Silvio Pettirossi 国际机场 (ASU) 是巴拉圭首都的门户,为旅客提供了便捷的交通连接和难忘的游览体验。以下是一篇关于在机场附近旅游的游记,突出了该地区的一些不容错过的景点。

Botánico y Zoológico de Asunción

机场以东仅几分钟路程,您将找到占地 11 公顷郁郁葱葱的植物园和动物园。Botánico y Zoológico de Asunción 是一个宁静而迷人的绿洲,拥有超过 2,000 种植物和 250 种动物。漫步在热带雨林、兰花屋和巨大的仙人掌花园中,您会惊叹于大自然的奇观。

Museo del Barro

对于艺术和文化爱好者来说,Museo del Barro 是一个必游之地。这座博物馆以其精湛的陶瓷收藏而闻名,展示了哥伦布前和现代巴拉圭艺术的杰作。您还可以探索以土着文化、民间工艺和当代艺术为特色的引人入胜的展览。

Paseo la Galeria

如果您正在寻找购物和餐饮,Paseo la Galeria 是一个完美的目的地。这个时尚的购物中心距离机场仅 10 分钟路程,拥有超过 100 家商店、餐馆和咖啡馆。浏览各种时装、配饰、电子产品和纪念品,并在美食广场或屋顶露台享受美食。

Costanera de Asunción

如果您渴望欣赏城市的美景和新鲜空气,请前往 Costanera de Asunción。这条 7 公里长的滨水长廊沿着巴拉圭河延伸,提供令人惊叹的城市天际线和江景。漫步、骑自行车或慢跑,欣赏大桥和标志性建筑的壮丽景色。

Palacio de los López

对于历史爱好者来说,Palacio de los López 是一个不可错过的景点。这座宏伟的宫殿建于 19 世纪,是巴拉圭政府所在地。漫步在华丽的大厅和庭院中,了解该国的历史和政治。


  • 从机场到这些景点的交通十分便利。您可以乘坐出租车、巴士或叫车服务。
  • 确保提前检查营业时间,以充分利用您的时间。
  • 尊重巴拉圭文化和穿着得体。
  • 享受您在机场附近探索的欢乐时光!


Unforgettable Family Adventure Near Aeropuerto Internacional Silvio Pettirossi

As our plane descended into Aeropuerto Internacional Silvio Pettirossi, we were filled with anticipation for our family adventure in Paraguay. We had heard so much about the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of this South American country, and we couldn't wait to explore it.

After retrieving our luggage, we hopped into a taxi and headed towards our hotel, which was conveniently located just a short distance from the airport. As we drove along the bustling streets, we couldn't help but notice the vibrant energy and friendly locals.

The next day, we decided to explore the areas surrounding the airport. Just a few kilometers away, we stumbled upon the Parque Ñu Guazú. This sprawling park was a haven of tranquility, with lush greenery, walking trails, and a picturesque lake. We spent hours wandering through the park, admiring the local flora and fauna.

Later that afternoon, we decided to visit the Museo del Barro. This fascinating museum showcased the rich cultural heritage of Paraguay, featuring a collection of indigenous artifacts, colonial artwork, and contemporary paintings. Our children were particularly captivated by the interactive exhibits, which allowed them to learn about Paraguayan history and traditions.

As the sun began to set, we headed to the nearby Mercado 4. This bustling market was a vibrant tapestry of colors and aromas. We wandered through the stalls, marveling at the fresh produce, artisanal crafts, and traditional delicacies. We couldn't resist sampling some of the local dishes, which were both flavorful and affordable.

Our family trip near Aeropuerto Internacional Silvio Pettirossi was filled with memorable moments. From exploring the natural beauty of Parque Ñu Guazú to immersing ourselves in the rich culture at the Museo del Barro and Mercado 4, we created lasting memories that we will cherish forever.

And so, as our flight departed from Aeropuerto Internacional Silvio Pettirossi, we bid farewell to this beautiful country and the wonderful experiences we shared with our family. We couldn't wait to return someday to continue our exploration of the hidden gems of Paraguay.

