Amilcar Cabral国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Amilcar Cabral International Airport








  • 1 条跑道
  • 1 座航站楼
  • 免税店
  • 餐厅
  • 货币兑换处
  • 行李寄存处



  • 圣玛丽亚海滩:以其白沙滩和清澈的海水而闻名。
  • 萨尔堡:16 世纪的堡垒,提供迷人的海景。
  • 蓬塔普雷塔:风景如画的渔村,拥有彩色房屋和传统船只。
  • 海龟保护中心:可以看到濒临灭绝的海龟。


  • 普拉亚:佛得角的首都,拥有殖民时期的建筑和热闹的市场。
  • 圣维森特岛:音乐和文化中心,拥有明德洛港的繁荣夜生活。
  • 福戈岛:以其活火山皮科火山而闻名,提供远足和火山探险活动。
  • 博阿维斯塔岛:以其广阔的沙丘和冲浪胜地而闻名。
  • 圣尼古劳岛:以其郁郁葱葱的绿洲、山脉和传统音乐而闻名。
SAL, CAPE VERDE: Travel Guide to Beaches & ALL Top Sights in 4K + Drone
SANTA MARIA - Sal Island - Cape Verde (4K)


Amilcar Cabral International Airport 周边游记

抵达 Amilcar Cabral 国际机场后,我兴高采烈地开始探索周边地区,发现了一些令人印象深刻的景点和体验。

西海岸海滩(Praia da Costa Ocidental)

距离机场仅 10 分钟车程,西海岸海滩是休闲放松的理想场所。绵延数千米的白色沙滩,波光粼粼的大西洋,还有郁郁葱葱的绿色山丘,构成了一幅如画的美景。

鲸鱼观赏(Whale Watching)

在 6 月至 9 月期间,鲸鱼从南极洲迁徙到这片海岸。您可以参加观鲸之旅,近距离观看这些巨大的生物。

圣菲利普城堡(Fortaleza de Sao Filipe)

这座城堡始建于 16 世纪,是葡萄牙殖民统治时期令人印象深刻的遗迹。它坐落于海滨,俯瞰着福戈岛(Fogo Island),提供令人惊叹的海景。

消防博物馆(Museum of Fire)


人民宫(Palácio do Povo)


巴尔马拉(Bar Marla)




探索 Amilcar Cabral 国际机场附近的地区是一次愉快的经历,既能提供历史遗迹、自然美景,又能带来当地文化体验。如果您在该地区,我强烈建议您花上一天时间探索这些景点。

Riu Palace Santa Maria, Cape Verde November 2022, Island of Sal, 4K Hotel Tour, Fully Accessible ♿🌞
Santa Maria SAL CABO VERDE 2021 drone 4K


Exploring the Enchanting Vicinity of Amilcar Cabral International Airport

Upon arriving at Amilcar Cabral International Airport (SID), we were eager to embark on an adventure with our family. Just a short distance from the airport, we discovered a myriad of captivating attractions that left us with unforgettable memories.

Tarrafal Concentration Camp

We began our journey at the Tarrafal Concentration Camp (Campo de Concentração do Tarrafal). This eerily preserved site serves as a somber reminder of Cape Verde's colonial past. We walked through the grim prison cells and learned about the harrowing experiences of political prisoners who were incarcerated here.

Monte Tchota

Seeking a respite from the gravity of our previous stop, we ascended to the peak of Monte Tchota. The winding road provided breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. At the summit, we marveled at the vibrant foliage, towering cliffs, and the boundless blue Atlantic Ocean stretching out before us.

Santa Maria Beach

To conclude our day of exploration, we couldn't resist a visit to the pristine Santa Maria Beach (Praia de Santa Maria). The soft, white sand and crystal-clear waters beckoned us to relax and soak up the tropical ambiance. We spent hours swimming, building sandcastles, and savoring the gentle ocean breeze.

As the sun began to set, we made our way back to the airport, carrying with us a newfound appreciation for the beauty and history that surrounds Amilcar Cabral International Airport. Our family bonding experience had created memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Cape Verde / Cabo Verde / Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka - Sal Island | Drone Footage 4k
SAL Island by drone, 07.2021, 4K, Cape Verde.

