Bari Karol Wojtyła Airport | 机场过境旅游


Bari Karol Wojtyła Airport




  • 地中海气候
  • 冬季温和多雨,夏季炎热干燥
  • 平均温度范围为 2°C(1 月)至 28°C(7 月)


  • 代码:BRI
  • 距离市中心:8 公里
  • 航站楼数量:1


  • 巴里老城区 (Barivecchia):迷人的历史街区,拥有狭窄的鹅卵石街道、古老的教堂和传统餐馆。
  • 圣尼古拉大教堂 (Basilica di San Nicola):供奉圣尼古拉遗体的壮观教堂,是巴里的标志性建筑。
  • 诺曼-霍亨斯陶芬城堡 (Norman-Hohenstaufen Castle):13 世纪的城堡,俯瞰港口,提供城市全景。
  • 皮纳科泰卡美术馆 (Pinacoteca Provinciale di Bari):展示意大利和国际艺术的大型美术馆。
  • 阿普利亚地区考古博物馆 (Museo Archeologico della Puglia):容纳来自该地区各种历史时期的重要文物。
  • 波马罗萨海滩 (Pane e Pomodoro):巴里附近著名的沙滩,以其清澈的海水和迷人的海滨而闻名。
  • 阿尔贝罗贝洛 (Alberobello):被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的迷人小镇,以其独特的白色圆顶房屋 (Trulli) 而闻名。
  • 马泰拉 (Matera):令人惊叹的城市,拥有古老的洞穴住宅和远古的历史,距离巴里约 60 公里。
  • 奥斯图尼 (Ostuni):“白色之城”,悬崖上的小镇,提供令人惊叹的亚得里亚海全景。


Discovering the Wonders Near Karol Wojtyła Airport: An Unforgettable Excursion

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Puglia, Italy, Karol Wojtyła Airport (BRI) serves as the gateway to a treasure trove of cultural and historical attractions. Embarking on an adventure around the airport, I uncovered a wealth of experiences that left an indelible mark on my travel memories.

Bari's Enchanting Old Town (Bari Vecchia)

A mere 20-minute drive from the airport, Bari's Old Town enchants visitors with its labyrinthine streets and medieval charm. Explore the historic alleyways, admire the majestic Bari Cathedral, and indulge in the city's renowned culinary delights.

The Picturesque Coastal Town of Polignano a Mare

Stretching along the pristine Adriatic coast, Polignano a Mare is a picturesque town that boasts breathtaking views. Take a leisurely stroll through its whitewashed houses perched on rugged cliffs, savor the flavors of local seafood, and swim in the crystal-clear waters.

The Archaeological Site of Egnazia (Egnatia)

Discover the ancient ruins of Egnazia, located just 30 minutes from the airport. Explore the remnants of this Roman city, marvel at the intricate mosaics, and immerse yourself in the rich history of this archaeological marvel.

The Sanctuary of San Nicola (Basilica San Nicola)

Bari is home to the venerated relics of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children and sailors. Visit the awe-inspiring Sanctuary of San Nicola, a stunning basilica that houses the saint's tomb and displays intricate mosaics depicting scenes from his life.

The Putignano Carnival (Carnevale di Putignano)

If your travels coincide with February, don't miss the renowned Putignano Carnival, held in the nearby town of Putignano. Known as one of the longest and most extravagant carnivals in Europe, it features colorful parades, elaborate costumes, and a lively atmosphere.


Exploring the surroundings of Karol Wojtyła Airport proved to be an incredibly rewarding experience. From the historic streets of Bari Vecchia to the picturesque coastline of Polignano a Mare and the archaeological wonders of Egnazia, there is something for every traveler to discover. Whether you seek cultural immersion, culinary delights, or historical exploration, the vicinity of Bari Airport offers a myriad of unforgettable adventures.


在 Bari Karol Wojtyła 机场附近与家人度过的欢乐时光

最近,我带家人来到意大利南部普利亚大区的巴里(Bari),机场以已故教皇若望保禄二世(Pope John Paul II)的教名命名:Bari Karol Wojtyła Airport。由于机场位于市中心外,我们决定在附近寻找一些有趣的地方游览,与家人共度美好时光。

滨海博物馆(Museo del Mare)

我们首先前往了距离机场仅 15 分钟车程的滨海博物馆。这座博物馆坐落在一个古老的港口仓库内,展示了巴里丰富多彩的海事历史。我们惊叹于古老的帆船模型、导航仪器和海员的个人物品。孩子们很喜欢互动式展览,在那里他们可以驾驶虚拟船只并了解船舶运作原理。

滨海剧院(Teatro Petruzzelli)


圣尼古拉大教堂(Basilica di San Nicola)

巴里最著名的地标之一是圣尼古拉大教堂。这座令人惊叹的教堂建于 11 世纪,以供奉圣尼古拉的遗物而闻名。我们排队进入教堂,欣赏了它的马赛克、壁画和镀金祭坛。孩子们特别喜欢从教堂的钟楼俯瞰城市的美景。

滨海长廊(Lungomare Nazario Sauro)

在参观了历史景点后,我们决定沿滨海长廊散步,享受轻松的下午时光。这条长长的海滨人行道沿着亚得里亚海(Adriatic Sea)延伸,提供令人惊叹的海景。我们租了一些自行车,沿着小径骑行,孩子们在附近的海滩上玩沙子。

帕拉马尔泰斯塔迪亚姆(PalaMazzola PalaFiore Arena)


我们与家人在巴里 Karol Wojtyła 机场附近度过了一段美好的时光,探索了迷人的历史景点、享受了轻松的下午时光,并参加了一场精彩的体育赛事。这次旅行为我们创造了持久的回忆,我们期待着再次来到这座美丽的意大利城市。

