Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport | 机场过境旅游


貝爾格萊德 Nikolas Tesla 機場


  • 國家:塞爾維亞
  • 城市:貝爾格萊德


  • 溫帶大陸性氣候
  • 冬季寒冷多雲,夏季炎熱乾燥


  • 兩座航廈
  • 65 個登機門
  • 超過 30 家航空公司
  • 免稅店、餐廳和咖啡廳
  • 免費 Wi-Fi
  • 汽車出租服務


  • 公共交通:巴士、有軌電車和出租車連接機場與市中心
  • 機場快線巴士:每 20-30 分鐘一班,約需 30 分鐘抵達市中心


  • 貝爾格萊德堡壘(Kalemegdan):坐落於市中心山丘上的歷史遺跡,擁有美麗的多瑙河景觀和古老的塔樓。
  • 聖薩瓦寺(Hram Svetog Save):東正教教堂,規模宏大,是世界上最大的東正教教堂之一。
  • 尼古拉·特斯拉博物館:展示了這位塞爾維亞發明家和工程師的生平和作品。
  • 斯雷姆斯基卡爾洛夫奇(Sremski Karlovci):歷史悠久的城市,以其美麗的巴洛克式建築和葡萄酒產區而聞名。
  • 阿瓦拉山(Avala):位於貝爾格萊德郊外的一座山,提供全景城市景觀,並設有阿瓦拉紀念碑。


Exploring the Enchanting Environs of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport

Nestled just outside the vibrant capital of Belgrade, Nikola Tesla Airport offers a convenient gateway to an array of captivating destinations. With its close proximity to the city and beyond, the airport serves as an ideal starting point for those seeking a memorable and enriching travel experience.

A Stroll through History at Zemun

A mere 8 kilometers from the airport, the charming town of Zemun beckons visitors with its rich history and architectural treasures. Explore the cobbled streets of Stari Grad (Old Town) and marvel at the well-preserved fortress, which dates back to the 18th century. Visit the Gardoš Tower for panoramic city views and unravel the legends surrounding this iconic landmark.

Escape to the Banks of the Danube

A short drive from Zemun lies the serene banks of the Danube River. Stroll along the picturesque promenade of Novi Beograd (New Belgrade) and soak in the tranquility of this natural oasis. Visit the Ada Ciganlija, an idyllic island known for its pristine beaches, water sports, and vibrant nightlife.

Discover Aviation History at the Aeronautical Museum

Just a few minutes from the airport, the Aeronautical Museum houses an impressive collection of aircraft, flight simulators, and historical artifacts. Delve into the fascinating history of aviation and witness the evolution of flight firsthand. Engage with knowledgeable guides and immerse yourself in the wonders of aerospace engineering.

A Daytrip to Sremska Mitrovica

Venture 90 kilometers west of the airport to discover the hidden gem of Sremska Mitrovica. This ancient town boasts a rich cultural heritage, with its roots dating back to Roman times. Visit the Sirmium Archaeological Park to explore the ruins of a once-magnificent Roman city. Admire the stunning frescoes in the Cathedral of St. Demetrius and soak in the tranquility of Lake Srebrno.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Trip:

  • Rent a car for maximum flexibility and convenience.
  • Reserve your airport transfer in advance to avoid any delays.
  • Allow ample time for exploration, as distances can be deceptive.
  • Respect local customs and traditions.
  • Learn a few basic Serbian phrases to enhance your interactions.

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport offers an exceptional opportunity to combine the convenience of air travel with the allure of nearby destinations. Whether you seek historical intrigue, natural beauty, or cultural immersion, the environs of the airport provide a wealth of experiences to captivate and inspire.



我们一家最近在贝尔格莱德度过了难忘的时光,在尼古拉·特斯拉机场 (Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport) 附近享受了各种精彩活动。

参观 Aviation Museum

孩子们对航空博物馆 (Aviation Museum) 里栩栩如生的飞机模型和互动展品兴奋不已。他们了解了塞尔维亚的航空历史,并有机会登上真正的飞机。

探索 Ušće Park

我们前往Ušće Park,这是一个占地 55 公顷的河滨公园,享有美丽的多瑙河 (Danube River) 和萨瓦河 (Sava River) 景色。孩子们在游乐场玩耍,我们欣赏了风景如画的绿地。

在 Sava Promenada 放松

沿着萨瓦河漫步,我们在Sava Promenada停下来,这是一个宽敞的长廊,有很多酒吧、餐厅和活动。我们一边享用冰淇淋,一边欣赏河流的壮丽景色。

参观 Zemun

我们乘出租车前往风景如画的Zemun,这是一个历史悠久的地区,位于贝尔格莱德市中心以西。我们漫步在鹅卵石街道上,参观了古代的Zemun堡垒 (Zemun Fortress) 和迷人的Gardoš塔 (Gardoš Tower)。

在 Airport City Belgrade 购物

在返回机场之前,我们在 Airport City Belgrade 停了下来,这是一个大型购物和娱乐中心。孩子们在室内游乐场玩耍,我们浏览了各种商店和餐厅。



  • Air Rooms Belgrade Airport


  • The Globe Restaurant (Ušće Park)
  • Kafeterija Šest (Sava Promenada)
  • Gostionica Kod Ruže (Zemun)


  • 从机场到市中心乘坐出租车约需 20 分钟。
  • 使用Google翻译等应用程序,方便与当地人交流。
  • 注意交通,因为贝尔格莱德的交通状况可能很繁忙。

