Brindisi Airport | 机场过境旅游


布林迪西机场 (BDS)





  • 布林迪西历史中心:一座历史悠久的城市,拥有罗马时代遗迹、中世纪城堡和巴洛克式教堂。
  • 意大利国家考古博物馆:收藏了来自布林迪西及其周边的珍贵考古文物。
  • 布林迪西港口:意大利东南部最重要的港口之一,提供前往希腊和阿尔巴尼亚的渡轮服务。
  • 托雷瓜塞托海洋保护区:一个风景如画的海军保护区,拥有清澈的海水、丰富的海洋生物和原始的海滩。
  • 普罗蒙托里奥萨伦蒂诺地区:布林迪西省的半岛,拥有迷人的海岸线、风景优美的村庄和历史遗迹。
  • 奥斯图尼白城:一座美丽的中世纪小城,以其白色房屋和迷宫般的街道而闻名。
  • 阿尔贝罗贝洛:一座联合国教科文组织世界遗产城市,以其独特的圆锥形特鲁利房屋而闻名。
  • 马丁纳弗兰卡:一个历史悠久的城市,以其迷人的老城区、巴洛克式教堂和一年一度的音乐节而闻名。


Exploring the Enchanting Surroundings of Brindisi Airport

Nestled amid the picturesque Salento region of Italy, Brindisi Airport is the gateway to an array of captivating experiences. As you disembark your flight, you will find yourself in a realm of rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and authentic Italian charm.

Ostuni (The White City)

Just 35 kilometers from Brindisi Airport, Ostuni rises like a gleaming jewel on the hilltop. Known as the "White City" due to its immaculate whitewashed houses, it enchants visitors with its narrow cobbled streets, hidden courtyards, and panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea.

Valle d'Itria (Valley of Trulli)

Venture further into the countryside and you will encounter the Valle d'Itria, a bucolic valley dotted with charming towns and ancient trulli. These unique cone-shaped houses, built with dry stone, have become a symbol of the region and offer a glimpse into the traditional way of life.

Alberobello (The Trulli Capital)

As the Trulli capital of the world, Alberobello is home to over 1,500 trulli, some of which have been converted into quaint shops and restaurants. Stroll through the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Rione Monti and Rione Aia Piccola districts, marveling at the architectural ingenuity that has made Alberobello a beloved tourist destination.

Fasano Zoo Safari

For a memorable family day out, head to Fasano Zoo Safari, located just 20 minutes from Brindisi Airport. This vast wildlife park is home to over 2,000 animals from around the world. Enjoy a thrilling drive-through safari, where you can observe lions, elephants, and giraffes up close.

Torre Guaceto Nature Reserve

Escape the hustle and bustle of the airport at Torre Guaceto Nature Reserve, a pristine coastal haven. With its crystal-clear waters, sandy beaches, and diverse marine life, it offers a tranquil oasis for swimming, snorkeling, and birdwatching.

Local Cuisine

Indulge in the flavors of Salento at one of the many traditional restaurants in the area. Sample orecchiette pasta with cima di rapa (turnip greens), savor the grilled seafood, and sip on local wines such as Primitivo and Negroamaro.

Culture and History

The region is rich in history and culture. Visit the Museo Civico Archeologico in Brindisi to delve into the city's ancient origins or explore the Crypt of San Lorenzo in Oria to admire its beautiful frescoes.

Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, the surroundings of Brindisi Airport offer a captivating blend of attractions that will leave you with lasting memories. So, prepare for an unforgettable journey and immerse yourself in the vibrant flavors and sights of Salento.



我们怀着兴奋的心情来到意大利迷人的布林迪西机场(Brindisi Airport),迫不及待地想探索其周围风景如画的地区。以下是我们令人难忘的家庭之旅亮点:



探索法西诺洞穴(Grotte di Fasano)


在切萨·塔兰托(Cesa Tarantata)品尝海鲜

午餐时间,我们前往切萨·塔兰托,这是该地区著名的海鲜胜地。我们在海滨餐厅享用了一顿丰盛的海鲜盛宴,新鲜的牡蛎、 suculent蛤蜊、诱人的小章鱼,让我们的味蕾得到满足。

游览加莱罗塔角(Capo di Leuca)




