坎波格兰德国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Campo Grande International Airport


坎波格兰德国际机场 (CGR)


  • 国家:巴西
  • 城市:坎波格兰德
  • 巴拉那伊巴河地区西部


  • 亚热带
  • 夏季高温多雨(12 月至 3 月)
  • 冬季凉爽少雨(6 月至 9 月)


  • 一个航站楼
  • 6 个登机口
  • 多家航空公司,提供国内和国际航班
  • 免税店、餐饮店和休息室
  • 货币兑换处、自动取款机和行李寄存处



  • 阿瓜塞阿斯湿地国家公园:世界上最大的湿地生态系统之一,拥有丰富的野生动物和鸟类。
  • 邦邦科国家公园:拥有壮观的瀑布、茂密的森林和生物多样性。


  • 潘塔纳尔文化研究所:展示潘塔纳尔的文化、历史和自然。
  • 印第安人博物馆:收藏了来自该地区不同土著部落的物品和文物。


  • 加里波第广场:坎波格兰德的历史中心,周围环绕着建筑、博物馆和教堂。
  • 潘帕公园:一个风景如画的公园,设有湖泊、花园和小径。


  • 乔基俱乐部:举办传统的马术比赛。
  • 潘塔纳尔博览会:展示该地区文化和经济的年度活动。
🇧🇷 Street Walk Campo Grande Brazil - 4K
Show de Luzes em Campo Grande


Campo Grande International Airport: A Gateway to Adventure

Nestled in the vibrant city of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Campo Grande International Airport (CGR) serves as a gateway to an array of unforgettable travel experiences. If you find yourself with a layover or a few spare hours between flights, venture beyond the airport boundaries and explore the hidden gems that await in the vicinity.

The Pantanal: A Wildlife Sanctuary

Just a short drive from CGR lies the Pantanal, the world's largest tropical wetland. This sprawling paradise is home to an extraordinary array of wildlife, including capybaras, jaguars, caimans, and over 650 species of birds. Embark on a guided tour or safari to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

The Toca da Onça Wildlife Sanctuary

For a closer encounter with local wildlife, pay a visit to the Toca da Onça Wildlife Sanctuary (Toca da Onça Wildlife Refuge). This sanctuary houses rescued animals that were victims of hunting or illegal trade. Here, you can interact with jaguars, ocelots, giant anteaters, and other animals while learning about conservation efforts.

The Bosque Municipal de Campo Grande

Escape the airport hustle and bustle at the Bosque Municipal de Campo Grande, a serene urban park. Wander along the walking trails, admire the lush vegetation, and pause at the lake to observe the resident waterbirds. It's the perfect place to relax and recharge before your next flight.

The Memorial of the Frontiers

Immerse yourself in the history of Mato Grosso do Sul at the Memorial of the Frontiers (Memorial de Fronteiras). This museum showcases the region's role in boundary disputes and the pioneering spirit of its inhabitants. Discover the area's past and gain a deeper appreciation for its present.

Shopping and Dining in Campo Grande

There are several shopping and dining options within easy reach of CGR. Visit the Norte Sul Plaza shopping mall for a wide range of retail stores, restaurants, and a food court. Alternatively, explore the Campo Grande Market (Mercado Municipal de Campo Grande) for local crafts and fresh produce. Savor the flavors of regional cuisine at one of the many traditional restaurants in the city center.

With its proximity to wildlife havens, historic landmarks, and cultural attractions, Campo Grande International Airport offers a unique opportunity to experience the vibrant spirit of Mato Grosso do Sul. Embrace the adventure and make the most of your airport layover or visit to this enchanting destination.

4k - caminho do show - Parque das Nações Indígenas- Campo Grande - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil
[4K] Walking through the largest freshwater aquarium in the world. Campo Grande/MS - 2023



在阳光明媚的下午,我们一家驱车前往坎波格兰德国际机场 (Campo Grande International Airport) 附近,开始了一次难忘的旅程。

Aquário do Pantanal

我们的第一个目的地是潘塔纳尔水族馆 (Aquário do Pantanal)。这个庞大的水族馆拥有超过 2,500 种鱼类和动物,包括亚马逊巨骨舌鱼和食人鱼。孩子们被巨大的水族箱迷住了,在水下世界的奇妙景观中流连忘返。

Parque das Nações Indígenas

接下来,我们前往原住民国家公园 (Parque das Nações Indígenas)。这个公园展示了巴西不同原住民群体的文化和传统。我们了解了他们的生活方式、仪式和工艺。孩子们特别喜欢用弓箭射箭。

Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Mato Grosso do Sul

对于艺术爱好者来说,南马托格罗索州当代艺术博物馆 (Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Mato Grosso do Sul) 是一处必游之地。博物馆展出了各种各样的当代艺术品,包括油画、雕塑和装置。我们被博物馆的创新和引人入胜的展览所震撼。

Parque Ecológico do Sóter

为了放松身心,我们前往索特生态公园 (Parque Ecológico do Sóter)。这个公园拥有郁郁葱葱的森林、自然步道和一个宁静的湖泊。我们享受了一次悠闲的散步,欣赏公园的美丽景色。

Jantar no Dom Francisco

旅程的完美结束是我们在 Dom Francisco 餐厅的晚餐。这家餐厅供应正宗的巴西美食,以及令人惊叹的潘塔纳尔农场所特产的菜肴。我们品尝了烤肉、远足和当地水果,度过了一个美妙的夜晚。


[4K] Walking at Campo Grande airport / Mato Grosso do Sul - 2023

