Chelyabinsk国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Chelyabinsk International Airport


切利亚宾斯克国际机场 (SVX)




  • 大陆性气候,冬季严寒漫长,夏季温暖短暂
  • 1 月平均气温:-15°C(5°F)
  • 7 月平均气温:+20°C(68°F)


  • 基洛夫中央公园:一个风景优美的公园,设有游乐场、喷泉和咖啡馆。
  • 切利亚宾斯克州乡土历史博物馆:展示该地区历史和文化的博物馆。
  • 高尔基剧院:一家剧院,上演戏剧、歌剧和芭蕾舞表演。
  • 中央展览馆:一个展览中心,展示当地艺术家的作品和举办各种活动。
  • 切利亚宾斯克动物园:一个拥有来自世界各地数百种动物的动物园。


  • 航站楼:1 个航站楼,提供基本的设施,如餐饮店、商店和免费 Wi-Fi。
  • 交通:可以通过出租车、公共汽车或私家车前往市中心。
  • 代码:SVX
  • 网站:


Exploring the Environs of Chelyabinsk International Airport (SVX)

Upon my arrival at Chelyabinsk International Airport (SVX), I embarked on an exciting exploration of the surrounding area. Here are some of my memorable experiences:

Uralvagonzavod Tank Museum (Уральский завод транспортного машиностроения)

A short drive from the airport, I visited the Uralvagonzavod Tank Museum, a testament to the industrial prowess of the Ural region. This fascinating museum houses an impressive collection of Soviet and Russian tanks, including legendary models like the T-34 and the T-90.

Pushkin Street (Улица Пушкина)

Strolling along Pushkin Street, the city's main pedestrian thoroughfare, I immersed myself in the local culture. This vibrant street is lined with quaint cafes, stylish boutiques, and historic buildings. I couldn't resist treating myself to some delicious honey cake from one of the charming pastry shops.

Chelyabinsk Regional Museum (Челябинский областной краеведческий музей)

For a glimpse into the rich history and natural wonders of Chelyabinsk Oblast, I made my way to the Chelyabinsk Regional Museum. The exhibits range from dinosaur fossils to artifacts from ancient civilizations, providing an insightful look into the region's diverse heritage.

City Park Gagarina (Городской парк им. Ю.А. Гагарина)

Craving a touch of nature, I ventured into City Park Gagarina, named after the famous Soviet cosmonaut. With its lush greenery, tranquil lake, and amusement rides, this park is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. I enjoyed a peaceful walk along the lake and admired the vibrant blooms in the flowerbeds.

Traktor Hockey Arena (Хоккейный клуб Трактор)

As a sports enthusiast, I couldn't miss the opportunity to experience the passion of the locals for ice hockey. I attended a Traktor hockey game at their impressive arena, witnessing firsthand the electrifying atmosphere and the team's prowess on the ice.

Throughout my exploration, I was struck by the hospitality and warmth of the people of Chelyabinsk. From friendly museum staff to helpful locals, I felt genuinely welcomed in this vibrant city. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or sports, Chelyabinsk's proximity to its international airport makes it an ideal destination for a memorable travel experience.



Chelyabinsk International Airport

踏上切利亚宾斯克国际机场(Chelyabinsk International Airport),开启一次难忘的家庭冒险之旅。机场毗邻多种迷人的景点和活动,让您和家人度过一段充实的时光。


从机场驱车仅 20 分钟即可抵达 Kids Park on Kasak Lake,这是一座风景如画的公园,专为儿童设计。这里有宽敞的游乐场、攀岩墙和水上乐园,孩子们可以在其中尽情玩耍和冒险。


如果您对当地历史和文化感兴趣,可以参观 Chelyabinsk Regional Museum of Local History,该博物馆展示了该地区丰富的过去。展品包括从新石器时代到现代的文物、艺术品和照片。


Central Culture and Leisure Park named after S. M. Kirov 位于机场以西约 15 分钟车程处,是一个风景优美、适合家庭的绿洲。这个占地 114 英亩的公园是漫步、野餐或划船的理想场所。


在俄罗斯最大的地铁系统之一中体验令人兴奋的地铁之旅。Chelyabinsk Metro 有六条线路和 22 个车站,让您轻松探索这座城市的各个角落。


如果您在冬季来访,可以前往 Solnechnaya Dolina Ski Resort,该滑雪胜地距离机场约 45 分钟车程。无论您是新手还是经验丰富的滑雪者,都可以在 15 条不同难度的斜坡上尽情体验滑雪乐趣。


  • 机场提供出租车和巴士服务,可方便快捷地前往市中心和周边地区。
  • 为儿童预订游览时提前通知,以确保可用性。
  • 穿着舒适的鞋子,因为您会进行大量步行。
  • 携带一些小吃和饮料,以备途中使用。


