Eduardo Gomes国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Eduardo Gomes International Airport


Eduardo Gomes 国际机场


  • 国家:巴西
  • 城市:马瑙斯



  • 平均温度:26-32°C(79-90°F)
  • 年降水量:2,300 毫米(90 英寸)


  • 航站楼:2 个
  • 跑道:1 条
  • 航线:连接巴西国内及国际各大城市



  • 参观亚马逊雨林,探索令人惊叹的野生动物和郁郁葱葱的植被。
  • 参加丛林徒步旅行、划独木舟或野生动物观赏之旅。

特奥多罗·桑帕约宫(Palácio Teodoro Sampaio):

  • 这座令人印象深刻的宫殿是亚马逊剧院的故乡,是一座华丽的歌剧院。

马瑙斯市场(Mercado Municipal Adolpho Lisboa):

  • 浏览这个热闹的市场,购买当地农产品、手工制品和纪念品。


  • 乘坐游船沿黑河游览,欣賞美麗的 пейза和野生动物。

埃斯特雷拉公园(Parque do Mindu):

  • 放松身心,在这个风景如画的公园里漫步,欣赏亚马逊河的景色。

圣塞巴斯蒂安大教堂(Catedral Metropolitana de São Sebastião):

  • 参观这座令人惊叹的大教堂,它是马瑙斯的地标性建筑。
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Telangana State Secretariat | 4K Night View


Exploring the Delights Near Aeroporto Internacional Eduardo Gomes (ECG)

Nestled in the bustling city of Manaus, Aeroporto Internacional Eduardo Gomes (ECG) serves as a gateway to the vibrant Amazon region. While the airport itself may not offer much excitement, the surrounding area is brimming with hidden gems that will delight travelers.

1. Ponta Negra Beach (Praia da Ponta Negra)

Just a short drive from ECG, Ponta Negra Beach beckons sun-seekers and water enthusiasts alike. This pristine beach offers sweeping views of the Amazon River, inviting you to bask in the warm sunshine or take a refreshing dip in the azure waters.

2. Amazonian Theater (Teatro Amazonas)

Step back in time at the majestic Amazonian Theater. This opulent opera house is renowned for its stunning architecture and exquisite interior. Take a guided tour to admire the intricate carvings, gold leaf details, and the renowned Belle Époque style.

3. Manaus City Center (Centro de Manaus)

Explore the heart of Manaus by venturing into its historic city center. Admire the colonial architecture, visit local markets, and savor the authentic flavors of Amazonian cuisine at traditional restaurants. The Mercado Adolpho Lisboa is a must-visit for its bustling atmosphere and fresh produce.

4. Amazon Zoo (Parque Zoobotânico da Amazônia)

Experience the incredible diversity of the Amazon rainforest at the Amazon Zoo. Home to over 300 animal species, the zoo provides an up-close encounter with the iconic creatures that call this region home. Observe jaguars, monkeys, sloths, and a myriad of colorful birds.

5. Jungle Floating Tours

Embark on an unforgettable adventure by booking a jungle floating tour. Float along the serene waters of the Amazon River and witness the breathtaking beauty of the rainforest. Keep an eye out for exotic wildlife, including pink river dolphins, caimans, and monkeys.

Tips for Travelers:

  • Consider renting a car for easy transportation to the nearby attractions.
  • Pack sunscreen, insect repellent, and comfortable walking shoes.
  • Respect the fragile Amazonian ecosystem and follow local guidelines.
  • Allow ample time for airport security and customs procedures.


Eduardo Gomes International Airport (REC)


在Eduardo Gomes International Airport短暂停留期间,我们一家决定利用这个机会探索机场附近的景点。

Parque Histórico Aeroespacial (Aerospace Historical Park)

我们首先前往公园欣赏令人惊叹的飞机收藏。孩子们对巨大的波音 707 和 F-104 星际战斗机印象深刻。公园还展出了有趣的航空文物,如引擎和飞行头盔。

Praia de Boa Viagem (Boa Viagem Beach)

接下来,我们前往附近的Boa Viagem Beach。这里拥有绵延数英里的美丽白色沙滩,非常适合散步或游泳。孩子们在清澈的海水中戏水,我们则在阴凉的遮阳伞下放松。

Shopping Recife

为了购物,我们去了大型的 Shopping Recife 购物中心。这里有各种各样的商店,从服装店到电子产品店,我们找到了适合每个人东西。孩子们在游乐场玩得很开心,我们为自己买了几件纪念品。

Paço Alfândega (Customs House)

这次旅行的亮点是参观历史悠久的 Paço Alfândega。这座令人惊叹的新古典主义建筑曾经是海关大楼,现在已改建为文化中心。里面有互动式展览,讲述了累西腓的航海和贸易历史。

在Eduardo Gomes International Airport附近度过的这段欢乐时光为我们留下了难以忘怀的回忆。我们探索了迷人的历史景点、享受了美丽的海滩,并在现代化的购物中心尽情购物。

