弗朗西斯科·萨拉比亚国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Francisco Sarabia International Airport




所在城市:托雷翁 (Torreón)

代码: TRC


弗朗西斯科·萨拉比亚国际机场位于墨西哥科阿韦拉州托雷翁市以东约 6 公里处。





  • 登机柜台
  • 行李领取处
  • 餐饮店
  • 免税店
  • 货币兑换处
  • 汽车租赁柜台



  • 墨西哥城
  • 瓜达拉哈拉
  • 坎昆
  • 达拉斯
  • 芝加哥


  • 托雷翁考古博物馆:展示该地区丰富的历史和文化。
  • 雷沃卢西翁广场:一个拥有历史建筑和纪念碑的热闹广场。
  • 克里斯托·德拉斯诺阿斯大道:一条风景如画的林荫大道,两旁种植着数十棵树。
  • 卡萨日卡尼:一座 19 世纪的豪宅,现在是一座博物馆。
  • 德斯托罗体育场:托雷翁足球俱乐部的所在地。
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Torreon Coahuila 4K


Discover the Hidden Gems Near Francisco Sarabia International Airport (Morelia International Airport)

Nestled just a stone's throw away from Francisco Sarabia International Airport (MID), Morelia, Mexico, lies a treasure trove of captivating attractions waiting to be explored. Embark on a memorable adventure and discover the rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes that surround this international gateway.

Museo del Estado de Michoacán (Michoacan State Museum)

Step into the annals of Michoacan's rich heritage at the Museo del Estado de Michoacán. This renowned museum houses an impressive collection of pre-Hispanic artifacts, colonial art, and contemporary masterpieces. Wander through its galleries and be transported back in time as you witness the evolution of the state's diverse cultures.

Plaza de Armas (Main Square)

The heart of Morelia beats at the Plaza de Armas. This bustling square is framed by elegant colonial buildings, including the iconic pink-hued Morelia Cathedral. Soak up the lively atmosphere, admire the architectural wonders, and capture the perfect memento of your visit.

Acueducto de Morelia (Morelia Aqueduct)

Marvel at the architectural prowess of the Acueducto de Morelia. This magnificent aqueduct, spanning over 1,700 arches, once supplied the city with fresh water. Today, it serves as a symbol of Morelia's ingenuity and a picturesque backdrop for a stroll or a bike ride.

Cerro del Quinceo (Quinceo Hill)

Escape the urban hustle and bustle by venturing to Cerro del Quinceo. This scenic hilltop offers panoramic views of Morelia and the surrounding countryside. Take a leisurely hike to its summit, or soar above the clouds on a thrilling zip-line adventure.

Cañón del Quinceo (Quinceo Canyon)

Adjacent to Cerro del Quinceo lies the awe-inspiring Cañón del Quinceo. This geological marvel features towering rock formations, cascading waterfalls, and lush vegetation. Explore its hidden trails, discover its secret coves, and marvel at the breathtaking scenery.

Tips for Getting Around:

  • Taxis are readily available at the airport.
  • Uber and Lyft services operate in the area.
  • Buses and colectivos provide a budget-friendly transportation option.
  • Renting a car offers flexibility and independence.

As you embark on your adventure near Francisco Sarabia International Airport, be ready to immerse yourself in the captivating culture and beauty that surrounds this vibrant city. From historical landmarks to natural wonders, Morelia has something to offer every traveler.

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我们在弗朗西斯科·萨拉比亚国际机场(Francisco Sarabia International Airport)的难忘家庭之旅

我们迫不及待地踏上期待已久的旅行,探索墨西哥托雷翁充满活力的城市。我们抵达弗朗西斯科·萨拉比亚国际机场(Francisco Sarabia International Airport,又名 TRC),并很快发现机场附近有许多令人兴奋的景点。

Museo Arocena (阿罗塞纳博物馆)

我们驱车前往市中心,参观了迷人的阿罗塞纳博物馆(Museo Arocena)。这座历史博物馆收藏了令人印象深刻的墨西哥艺术作品,包括迪亚戈·里维拉 (Diego Rivera) 和弗里达·卡罗 (Frida Kahlo) 的杰作。

Plaza Mayor (市长广场)

博物馆后,我们漫步至市长广场(Plaza Mayor),这是一个标志性的广场,周围环绕着宏伟的建筑。我们钦佩着宏伟的托雷翁市政厅(Torreón City Hall)和圣母罗斯圣殿(Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rose)。

Parque Fundadores (创始人公园)

我们沿着步行街前往创始人公园(Parque Fundadores)。这个郁郁葱葱的公园是一个放松和享受下午时光的理想场所。孩子们在游乐场玩耍,而我们则在树荫下散步。

Paseo Colón (科隆大道)

公园后,我们沿着繁华的科隆大道(Paseo Colón)散步。这条步行街两旁林立着商店、咖啡厅和餐馆。我们停下来享用一顿美味晚餐,欣赏着这座城市的夜景。

Museo del Ferrocarril (铁路博物馆)

第二天,我们开车前往铁路博物馆(Museo del Ferrocarril)。这座博物馆展示了墨西哥铁路史,拥有大量的火车和铁路文物。我们的孩子对互动展品特别感兴趣,他们了解了铁路在墨西哥发展中所扮演的重要角色。

Cristo de las Noas (诺斯基督像)

我们结束了旅程,参观了著名的诺斯基督像(Cristo de las Noas),这是一个巨大的耶稣基督雕像,俯瞰着托雷翁。我们爬上雕像的底座,欣赏着城市和周围群山的壮丽景色。


