加布尔国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Gabès Matmata International Airport



  • 国家:突尼斯
  • 城市:加布尔
  • IATA 代码: GAE
  • ICAO 代码: DTTG


加布尔国际机场位于突尼斯东南部的加布尔市郊,距离市中心约 5 公里。




  • 出租车:机场外有出租车等候,可以前往加布尔市中心和其他地区。
  • 巴士:有机场巴士连接机场和市中心。


  • 马特马塔(Matmata):以其独特的穴居住宅而闻名,是《星球大战》系列电影的取景地。
  • 杰尔巴岛(Djerba):一个风景如画的岛屿,拥有美丽的海滩、白城和古老的堡垒。
  • 塔塔温(Tataouine):一座沙漠绿洲城市,以其传统建筑和大型露天剧场而闻名。
  • 萨布拉国家公园(Jebil National Park):一个广阔的国家公园,拥有沙漠、山脉和珍稀野生动物。
  • 谢比卡大峡谷(Chebika Canyon):一个壮观的峡谷,拥有茂密的棕榈树林和令人惊叹的景色。


Exploring the Enchantments Near Gabès Matmata International Airport

Nestled in the heart of southern Tunisia, Gabès Matmata International Airport (GAF) acts as a gateway to a realm of captivating landscapes and cultural treasures. Just a stone's throw away from the airport, travelers can embark on unforgettable adventures that immerse them in the region's unique charm.

Matmata: A Cave-Dwelling Wonder

A short drive from the airport lies the enigmatic village of Matmata. Known for its troglodyte homes, Matmata offers a glimpse into a subterranean lifestyle that has remained unchanged for centuries. Visitors can wander through the labyrinthine streets, marveling at the cone-shaped dwellings carved into the soft rock. The village has also served as a backdrop for numerous films, including the iconic "Star Wars" saga.

Ksar Hadada: A Fortified Granary

Another architectural marvel within easy reach of GAF is Ksar Hadada, a fortified granary believed to date back to the 15th century. This UNESCO World Heritage Site consists of a cluster of cylindrical structures arranged around a central courtyard. Its strategic location atop a hilltop once protected precious grain supplies from raiding tribes. Today, Ksar Hadada stands as a testament to the region's rich agricultural history.

Djerba: An Island Paradise

A picturesque island connected to the mainland by a causeway, Djerba is a haven of pristine beaches, ancient ruins, and traditional crafts. Relax on the golden sands of Sidi Youssef Beach, explore the labyrinthine souks of Houmt Souk, or visit the ancient Borj El Kebir, a fortress built by Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century.

Chott el-Jerid: A Salt Lake Odyssey

Approximately two hours' drive from GAF lies the vast Chott el-Jerid, one of the largest salt lakes in the world. During the summer months, its surface transforms into a shimmering, ethereal expanse of white crystals. Visitors can witness this awe-inspiring spectacle from the vantage point of the Ong Jemal mountain, offering panoramic views of the surreal landscape.

Douz: The Gateway to the Sahara

Nestled on the edge of the Sahara Desert, Douz serves as the gateway to Tunisia's vast sandy expanse. Embark on a camel trekking adventure into the shimmering dunes, where you can experience the nomadic lifestyle and witness the desert's breathtaking beauty.

Sidi Bou Said: A Charming Blue and White Village

While not directly adjacent to GAF, a day trip to Sidi Bou Said, a charming coastal village just north of Tunis, is highly recommended. Its picturesque streets lined with blue and white houses offer a picturesque backdrop for wandering and taking memorable photographs. Enjoy a leisurely meal at one of the waterfront cafés, soaking up the vibrant atmosphere.

Whether seeking cultural immersion, architectural wonders, or natural beauty, travelers can find an abundance of experiences to delight and inspire in the vicinity of Gabès Matmata International Airport.



Gabès Matmata International Airport (GAE)


El Jem 斗兽场

我们的第一站是令人印象深刻的 El Jem 斗兽场,也被称为 Thysdrus。这座古罗马圆形剧场是世界上保存最完好的圆形剧场之一,让我们惊叹不已。我们想象着过去角斗士们在竞技场上激战的情景,为他们的勇气和牺牲而感到敬畏。


接下来,我们前往风景如画的杰尔巴岛。这个迷人的岛屿以其白色沙滩、晶莹剔透的海水和历史悠久的文化而闻名。我们漫步在 Houmt Souk 市集,迷失在色彩缤纷的纺织品和当地工艺品中。我们还参观了著名的拉加达堡垒 (Borj el-Kebir),从那里可以看到令人惊叹的海景。


对于《星球大战》迷来说,我们参观了塔图因星球,它是这个著名电影系列中 Luke Skywalker 的家乡星球。我们探索了塔塔温镇 (Tataouine),那里有奇特的圆顶房屋和传统的柏柏尔建筑。我们还造访了昂施-米姆湖 (Ong Jmel),那里是拍摄许多《星球大战》场景的地方。





