Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport | 机场过境旅游


瓜鲁柳斯 - 州长安德烈·弗朗科·蒙托罗国际机场 (GRU)




  • 亚热带气候
  • 年平均温度:21.5 摄氏度(67.7 华氏度)
  • 湿度:高,特别是夏季


  • 圣保罗历史中心:联合国教科文组织世界遗产,拥有许多历史建筑和博物馆。
  • 自由女神像:位于伊比拉普埃拉公园,是巴西圣保罗的标志性建筑。
  • 伊比拉普埃拉公园:城市绿洲,拥有博物馆、剧院和娱乐场所。
  • 波波卡马河口:风景优美的河口,是观鸟和帆船的理想场所。
  • 瓜鲁柳斯海滩:位于机场附近,是一个放松和享受阳光的好地方。
  • 巴伊亚马尔海滨大道:沿海大道,提供圣保罗天际线的壮丽景色。
  • 瓜鲁柳斯购物中心:大型购物中心,拥有各种商店和餐馆。
  • 亚琛:拥有历史悠久的教堂和传统建筑的迷人小镇。
  • 皮埃拉:海滨城市,以其海滩和海鲜而闻名。
  • 坎普斯杜若昂多:拥有美丽海滩和自然保护区的沿海城市。


Exploring the Enchanting Environs of Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport

Nestled amidst the bustling metropolis of São Paulo, Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport (GRU) serves as a gateway to Brazil's vibrant cultural heritage and natural wonders. While the airport is renowned for its efficient operations and world-class amenities, its surrounding area also offers a wealth of hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

Parque Ecológico do Tietê

Just a short drive from GRU, Parque Ecológico do Tietê is a sprawling urban oasis that covers an area of over 1,500 acres. The park boasts a stunning lake, where visitors can enjoy boating, fishing, or simply relax by its tranquil waters. Its lush trails wind through various ecosystems, showcasing the region's diverse flora and fauna.

Shopping at Bosque Maia

For a touch of retail indulgence, head to Bosque Maia shopping mall, located mere minutes from the airport. This expansive mall features a myriad of international and local brands, cater to all tastes and budgets.

Museum of Natural History

Housed within the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, the Museu de História Natural (Museum of Natural History) is a treasure trove for both science enthusiasts and casual visitors alike. Its extensive collection includes fossils, animals, and plants, providing a fascinating glimpse into the evolutionary history of our planet.

São Paulo Zoo

Animal lovers will delight in São Paulo Zoo, a sprawling refuge home to over 3,000 animals from around the globe. From majestic lions and vibrant parrots to playful monkeys and gentle elephants, the zoo offers an unforgettable encounter with the wonders of wildlife.

Parque Villa Lobos

Escape the airport's hustle and bustle at Parque Villa Lobos, a sprawling urban green space just 10 miles away. With its sprawling lawns, tranquil ponds, and vibrant sports facilities, the park provides a serene respite within the heart of the city.

Mercado Municipal

For a taste of local culture and cuisine, a visit to Mercado Municipal (Municipal Market) is a must. Located within the city center, this bustling market offers a dizzying array of fresh produce, artisanal goods, and traditional Brazilian street food.


Getting around from Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport is a breeze. The airport is well-connected with São Paulo via various public transportation options, including buses, trains, and the metro. Taxis and private car services are also readily available.

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor to Brazil, the area surrounding Guarulhos - Governador André Franco Montoro International Airport promises a memorable and enriching experience. From serene natural retreats and cultural landmarks to shopping destinations and culinary delights, the region offers something for everyone to enjoy.



与家人在瓜鲁柳斯国际机场(Guarulhos International Airport,缩写:GRU)附近度过了令人难忘的时光。这座机场是巴西最大的机场,为我们探索圣保罗及其周边地区提供了便利的基地。

Day 1:抵达和探索

  • 抵达机场后,我们乘坐出租车前往附近的格兰丁酒店(Grandium Hotel)。
  • 在酒店安顿好后,我们步行前往附近的购物中心,享受零售疗法和美食。
  • 晚上,我们在酒店的餐厅享用了一顿丰盛的晚餐。

Day 2:冒险和文化

  • 上午,我们参观了Parque Shopping Maia,这是该地区最大的购物中心之一。
  • 下午,我们前往附近的五月广场(Praça de Maio),欣赏历史建筑和体验当地文化。
  • 晚上,我们参加了桑巴表演,沉浸在巴西的音乐和舞蹈中。

Day 3:自然漫步和美食

  • 上午,我们在Jardim Botânico de São Paulo漫步,欣赏了异国情调的植物和宁静的花园。
  • 下午,我们前往附近的日本城(Liberdade),品尝了美味的日本料理并购买了纪念品。
  • 晚上,我们在一家传统巴西餐厅享用了一顿正宗的晚餐。

Day 4:历史和航空

  • 上午,我们参观了瓜鲁柳斯航空博物馆(Museu da Aviação de Guarulhos),了解巴西航空的历史。
  • 下午,我们在机场度过了几个小时,观察飞机起飞和降落。
  • 晚上,我们在机场的一个美食广场享用了一顿惬意的晚餐。

Day 5:告别

  • 办完登机手续后,我们依依不舍地离开了瓜鲁柳斯国际机场。
  • 我们将永远珍惜与家人在这座繁华机场附近度过的美好时光。


