Havryshivka Vinnytsia国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Havryshivka Vinnytsia International Airport



国家: 乌克兰

城市: 文尼察


  • 温带大陆性气候
  • 夏季温暖,降雨量少
  • 冬季寒冷,降雪量多



  • Pizhon Vinnitskiy喷泉:世界上最大的浮动喷泉之一
  • Roshen音乐喷泉:乌克兰最大的音乐喷泉
  • 莫洛基夫城堡:建于 16 世纪的文艺复兴时期城堡
  • 欧洲广场:文尼察的中央广场,设有许多商店和餐馆
  • 文学博物馆:展示乌克兰著名作家 Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky 和 Volodymyr Sosyura 的作品


  • 尼米里夫堡垒:建于 16 世纪的令人惊叹的城堡遗址
  • 梅季博日城堡:建于 13 世纪的古堡,位于风景如画的湖畔
  • 纳多尔内比季夫镇:以其历史悠久的教堂和修道院而闻名
  • 图尔奇诺夫镇:受欢迎的朝圣中心,拥有两座古老修道院
  • 波多良的卡缅内茨:美丽的中世纪城市,以其堡垒和地牢而闻名


Havryshivka Vinnytsia International Airport 周边旅游指南

距离乌克兰哈夫里希夫卡文尼察国际机场 (Havryshivka Vinnytsia International Airport) 仅几步之遥,您将发现一个充满自然美景、历史和文化瑰宝的迷人地区。这里有我们推荐的附近景点,让您的旅行更加难忘:

1. 维尼察风景公园 (Vinnytsya Oblast Landscape Park)


2. 维尼察卡皮卡瓦城堡 (Vinnytsia Kapuvanka Fortress)

这座 16 世纪的城堡是乌克兰建筑的杰作。探索其坚固的城墙、地下通道和保存完好的塔楼,了解其丰富的历史。

3. 叶塞尼卡城堡 (Yesenika Castle)


4. 涅米罗夫庄园 (Nemiroff Distillery)


5. 祖比 夫纳多德凯夫兰公园 (Zubriv Nad' Buhom National Park)


6. 皮尔霍罗夫村 (Pylyporov Village)


7. 维尼察市



  • 从机场前往这些景点的方法有多种,包括出租车、班车或租车。
  • 提前预订住宿和活动,尤其是旺季。
  • 携带舒适的鞋子和适合各种天气的衣物。
  • 学习一些基本的乌克兰语短语,以便与当地人交流。

在 Havryshivka Vinnytsia International Airport 周边探索,准备好迎接一段充实而难忘的旅行,留下持久而美好的回忆。


Exploring Havryshivka Vinnytsia International Airport (VTX)

Vinnytsia, Ukraine

My family and I embarked on an exciting adventure to Havryshivka Vinnytsia International Airport, located in the picturesque city of Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Upon arriving at this modern and well-maintained airport, we couldn't wait to venture beyond its confines and explore the surrounding area.

Vinnytsia Green Theatre (Vinnytskyi Mistsʹkyi Tsentralʹnyi Park Kultury i Viddpochynku)

A short drive from the airport, we stumbled upon the stunning Vinnytsia Green Theatre, nestled within a lush park. With its cascading terraces and vibrant greenery, this amphitheater has hosted countless cultural events and concerts. We took a leisurely stroll through the park, admiring the vibrant flowerbeds and the majestic fountain.

Vinnytsia Zoo (Vinnytskyy Zoopark)

Next on our itinerary was the Vinnytsia Zoo, home to a diverse collection of over 2,000 animals. We marveled at the majestic lions, playful monkeys, and graceful giraffes. The zoo provided a great educational experience for our children, who learned about the importance of wildlife conservation.

Vinnytsia Water Park (Vinnytsʹkyy Akvapark)

To cool down after our zoo visit, we headed to the Vinnytsia Water Park. This sprawling water complex boasts an array of thrilling slides, pools, and attractions. We enjoyed splashing around in the wave pool, racing down the water slides, and relaxing in the lazy river.

Vinnytsia Art Museum (Vinnytsʹkyy Oblastnyy Khudozhniy Muzey)

To end our day on a cultural note, we visited the Vinnytsia Art Museum. The museum houses a collection of over 10,000 artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and ceramics. We admired the works of renowned Ukrainian artists and learned about the history and evolution of Ukrainian art.

Our exploration of the area surrounding Havryshivka Vinnytsia International Airport was a wonderful experience that combined natural beauty, cultural enrichment, and family fun. We highly recommend a visit to this vibrant and welcoming region of Ukraine.

