亨茨维尔国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Huntsville International Airport


亨茨维尔国际机场 (HSV)

国家: 美国 城市: 亨茨维尔,阿拉巴马州

气候: 亚热带湿润气候,四季分明, 夏季炎热潮湿,冬季温和,偶尔有降雪。


  • 两个客运大楼
  • 15 个登机口
  • 海关和移民设施
  • 免税店
  • 餐馆和咖啡馆
  • 行李领取处
  • 汽车租赁中心
  • 地面交通选择(出租车、拼车、优步)


  • 美国太空与火箭中心:世界上最大的太空博物馆,展示了从火箭科学的早期到现代太空探索的各种展品。
  • 马歇尔太空飞行中心:美国宇航局的主要研发中心,负责许多太空计划,包括阿波罗登月计划。
  • 哈维斯特广场:一个热闹的户外购物和餐饮中心,拥有各种商店、餐馆和娱乐场所。
  • 亨茨维尔植物园:占地 112 英亩的公园,展示了各种植物,包括兰花、杜鹃花和玫瑰园。
  • 艺术博物馆:展出各种艺术品,从古代埃及文物到当代绘画。
  • 布兰德山峡谷公园:一个风景优美的公园,拥有远足小径、瀑布和岩层。


  • 从市中心驾车约 15 分钟
  • 出租车或拼车服务
  • 优步或 Lyft
  • 机场快线巴士从市中心出发
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4K AI Art Lookbook Model, Montgomery, Alabama, USA 534💎


Discover Hidden Gems near Huntsville International Airport (HSV)


Nestled amidst the rolling hills of North Alabama, Huntsville International Airport (HSV) offers a convenient gateway to a world of exciting adventures. Beyond the airport's modern terminals, you'll find a treasure trove of attractions that will captivate travelers of all ages.

Space Exploration at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center

Just a short drive from HSV is the renowned U.S. Space & Rocket Center. As one of the largest space museums in the world, it houses an impressive collection of rockets, spacecraft, and artifacts that tell the fascinating story of human space exploration.

Strolling through Big Spring Park

In the heart of downtown Huntsville, you'll find the sprawling Big Spring Park. This urban oasis boasts a beautiful pond, walking trails, and a sparkling fountain that provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Exploring the Monte Sano State Park

Just a few miles from HSV, Monte Sano State Park offers a breathtaking natural paradise. Hike scenic trails that lead to panoramic mountain views, visit historic landmarks, or simply relax in the tranquility of the surrounding forests.

Enjoying the Arts at the Huntsville Museum of Art

The Huntsville Museum of Art features a diverse collection of American and European paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. Explore centuries of artistic expression and discover hidden treasures amidst the museum's galleries.

Shopping at Parkway Place Mall

For those seeking retail therapy, Parkway Place Mall is just a stone's throw from HSV. This upscale shopping destination offers a wide array of stores, restaurants, and entertainment options, making it a perfect spot to indulge in some retail therapy.


Your adventure near HSV doesn't have to end at the airport gates. From space exploration to outdoor escapes and cultural immersion, there's something for every traveler to enjoy within easy reach of HSV. So, embark on an unforgettable journey and discover the hidden gems that await just beyond the tarmac.

4K AI Art Lookbook Model, Montgomery, Alabama, USA 533💎
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美国宇航局马歇尔太空飞行中心 (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)

距离机场仅 10 分钟车程,这里是一家世界著名的宇航中心,展示了从土星五号火箭到国际空间站的迷人展品。尽情探索太空探索的奇迹,激发全家人的想象力。

阿维昂航空航天中心 (Aviation & Aerospace Center)

这个航空博物馆距离机场只有 5 分钟路程,收藏了各种飞机和航天器。了解航空和太空旅行的历史,并近距离观赏标志性的飞机,如 SR-71 黑鸟和 F-16 战斗机。

火箭城太空与科学中心 (Rocket City Space & Science Center)

这是一个互动科学中心,提供动手科学展览、一个天文馆和一个 IMAX 影院。让孩子们探索科学世界,激发他们的好奇心,同时享受精彩的太空探索电影。

亨茨维尔植物园 (Huntsville Botanical Garden)

郁郁葱葱的植物园距离机场有 15 分钟车程,拥有超过 50 个不同花园和景点。漫步在鲜花盛开的步道中,参观蝴蝶馆,欣赏宁静的日式花园。

琴湖 (Spring Lake)

这个风景如画的湖泊距离机场仅 8 分钟车程,是一个适合家庭游玩的理想场所。享受划船、钓鱼或在湖边野餐的乐趣。湖周围还有远足小径和观景台,可欣赏迷人的景色。

普莱斯威尔奥特莱斯购物中心 (Prattville Outlet Mall)

如果您正在寻找购物折扣,普莱斯威尔奥特莱斯购物中心就是您的理想去处。它距离机场有 20 分钟车程,有超过 70 家名牌商店,提供低至原价的 65% 的折扣。



  • 万豪广场套房酒店 (SpringHill Suites by Marriott)
  • 汉普顿酒店及套房 (Hampton Inn & Suites)
  • 希尔顿花园酒店 (Hilton Garden Inn)
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