Jinan Yaoqiang国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport




  • 国家:中国
  • 城市:济南

气候: 济南属温带季风气候,四季变化明显。

  • 春季(3-5 月):温暖,多风
  • 夏季(6-8 月):炎热,多雨
  • 秋季(9-11 月):凉爽,晴朗
  • 冬季(12-2 月):寒冷,干燥


  • 趵突泉:享誉世界的名泉,济南的象征之一。
  • 大明湖:风景秀丽的湖泊,拥有悠久的历史。
  • 千佛山:著名的佛教圣地,拥有众多古寺和石刻。
  • 泰山:中国著名的五岳之一,被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。
  • 曲阜三孔:儒家创始人孔子的故乡,拥有孔庙、孔府和孔林。
  • 青岛:美丽的海滨城市,以其迷人的海滩和啤酒闻名。
  • 潍坊:风筝之都,举办一年一度的潍坊国际风筝节。
  • 临沂:中国最大的沂蒙革命根据地,拥有丰富的自然和文化景观。
  • 淄博:中国陶瓷之乡,拥有众多陶瓷博物馆和窑址。
  • 泰安:泰山所在地,拥有丰富的自然和人文景观。


Exploring Near Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport

My recent trip to Jinan provided me with the opportunity to explore the city and its surroundings. Arriving at Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport (済南遥牆国際空港), I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of attractions just a short distance away.

Daming Lake (大明湖)

Just a 15-minute drive from the airport, Daming Lake is a picturesque lake surrounded by lush gardens and ancient temples. I took a leisurely stroll along the lakefront, admiring the stunning views and the vibrant atmosphere.

Baotu Spring (趵突泉)

Another nearby attraction is Baotu Spring, known for its crystal-clear waters and historical significance. I visited the Baotu Spring Park, where I witnessed the gushing spring up close and explored the surrounding gardens.

Black Tiger Spring (黑虎泉)

This historic spring is located within the city center, just a 20-minute drive from the airport. I visited Black Tiger Spring during the evening, when the surrounding area was illuminated with colorful lights, creating a magical ambiance.

Shandong Provincial Museum (山东省博物馆)

For those interested in history and culture, the Shandong Provincial Museum is a must-visit destination. It houses a vast collection of artifacts and exhibits showcasing the rich history of the Shandong province.

Qufu Confucius Temple (曲阜孔庙)

Slightly further afield, about an hour's drive from the airport, is Qufu Confucius Temple. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is the birthplace of the philosopher Confucius and a pilgrimage site for many.

Practical Tips

  • Transportation: Taxis and ride-sharing services are readily available at the airport.
  • Accommodation: There are several hotels located near the airport, offering a range of options for travelers.
  • Dining: There are numerous restaurants and food stalls in the surrounding areas, serving local cuisine and international dishes.

My exploration of the attractions near Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport proved to be a delightful experience. The combination of natural beauty, historical landmarks, and cultural experiences made for a memorable and enriching trip.


JinAn Yaoqiang International Airport (Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport)附近的家庭旅游之旅

在最近一次的家庭旅行中,我们选择探索济南遥墙国际机场(JinAn Yaoqiang International Airport)附近丰富的旅游资源。这趟旅程充满了欢乐和难忘的时刻。


我们的第一站是山东省博物馆(Shandong Provincial Museum),这间博物馆以其丰富的历史藏品而闻名。孩子们特别着迷于恐龙化石展,在那里他们了解了这些史前生物的迷人世界。


稍后,我们前往黑虎泉(Black Tiger Spring),这座天然泉水以其清澈的水域和优雅的亭台楼阁而闻名。我们漫步在风景如画的公园里,享受着片刻的宁静和放松。


接着,我们前往泉城广场(Quancheng Square),这是一个宽阔的广场,周围环绕着摩天大楼和喷泉。孩子们在喷泉里尽情嬉戏,玩得不亦乐乎。广场上还有许多热闹的商店和餐馆,我们尽情享受了当地的美食。


最后,我们参观了舜耕山公园(Shungengshan Park),这是一座以中国古代皇帝舜帝命名的公园。我们徒步穿越风景优美的山丘,欣赏了令人惊叹的城市全景。公园还设有一个动物园,孩子们很高兴近距离看到各种动物。



