Jorge Chávez International Airport | 机场过境旅游


豪尔赫·查韦斯国际机场 (LIM)

所在国家: 秘鲁 所在城市: 利马


  • 夏季(12 月至 4 月):温暖、潮湿,平均温度为 26°C(79°F)
  • 冬季(5 月至 11 月):温和、干燥,平均温度为 19°C(66°F)



  • 利马历史中心: 联合国教科文组织世界遗产,拥有殖民时期建筑和历史遗迹。
  • 武器广场: 利马的中心广场,周围环绕着大教堂、政府大楼和商业区。
  • 米拉弗洛雷斯区: 海滨社区,提供海滨长廊、餐馆和购物场所。
  • 巴兰科区: 艺术和文化中心,拥有画廊、博物馆和木板人行道。


  • 神庙之旅: 参观附近的卡哈马基拉、库斯科和纳斯卡等古代印加遗址。
  • 水上运动: 在圣罗莎海滩或普拉亚格兰德冲浪、皮划艇或划桨冲浪。
  • 帕查卡马克考古遗址: 古代印加神庙和神谕中心。
  • 帕拉卡斯半岛: 拥有丰富的野生动物和红色沙滩。


Venturing Beyond Jorge Chávez International Airport: A Delectable Experience

Upon disembarking at Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM), one is presented with a plethora of exciting destinations within easy reach. To fully immerse oneself in the local culture and savor the best that Peru has to offer, venturing beyond the airport confines is a must.

Callao, a Seaside Gem

Just a short drive from the airport, Callao beckons with its vibrant seaside atmosphere. Explore the charming colonial architecture of its historic downtown, where the Real Felipe Fortress stands as a testament to the city's rich past. The Parque de la Reserva, with its abundant greenery and stunning fountain, offers a tranquil oasis amidst the urban bustle.

Chorrillos, a Surfing Paradise

For those seeking adventure, head south to Chorrillos. With its consistent waves and stunning beaches, this coastal town is a surfer's paradise. Watch the locals catch some impressive rides at the iconic La Herradura beach or join them in the water for an exhilarating experience.

Miraflores, a Culinary Destination

Nestled along the Pacific Ocean, Miraflores is Lima's modern and upscale district. Here, food lovers will find a culinary paradise. Sample the freshest ceviche at La Mar Cevichería Peruana, indulge in authentic Peruvian cuisine at Maido, or satisfy your sweet tooth at the renowned chocolaterie, ChocoMuseo.

San Isidro, a Cultural Haven

For a taste of Peruvian culture, visit San Isidro. Admire the impressive colonial buildings of the Historic Center, explore the Larco Museum's pre-Columbian art collection, or catch a performance at the Teatro Municipal de Lima.

Tips for a Perfect Trip

  • Arrange transportation in advance to avoid delays.
  • Learn a few basic Spanish phrases to enhance communication.
  • Bring comfortable shoes for exploring.
  • Stay hydrated in the warm Peruvian climate.
  • Respect local customs and traditions.

Whether you're a foodie, history buff, or adventure seeker, the area surrounding Jorge Chávez International Airport has something for everyone. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, savor the delectable cuisine, and create unforgettable memories in this captivating region of Peru.



我们一家人最近有机会在乔治·查韦斯国际机场 (Jorge Chávez International Airport) 附近度过了一段愉快的时光。以下是我们推荐的景点和活动:

  • 参观卡尔佩港 (Callao Port):这是一个繁忙的港口,拥有历史悠久的码头和迷人的海滨长廊。您可以在此漫步,欣赏周围的景色,或乘坐游船游览港口。

  • 探索宪法广场 (Plaza de Armas):这是利马市中心的一个标志性广场,周围环绕着历史建筑,例如大教堂 (Cathedral)、政府宫 (Government Palace) 和市政厅 (Municipal Palace)。

  • 参观拉科查马水族馆 (Acuario La Cochamama):这是一个水族馆,展示了秘鲁沿海地区丰富的海洋生物。您可以在此近距离观察企鹅、海龟、鲨鱼等动物。

  • 在印加市场 (Mercado Inca) 购物:这是一个热闹的市场,出售各种传统秘鲁工艺品、纺织品和美食。这是采购纪念品和体验当地文化的绝佳去处。

  • 享用秘鲁美食:附近有许多提供正宗秘鲁美食的餐馆。我们特别推荐尝试秘鲁酸橘汁腌鱼 (ceviche)、阿吉德盖里纳 (aji de gallina) 和洛莫萨尔塔多 (lomo saltado)。

我们还参观了国家历史博物馆 (National History Museum),了解了秘鲁丰富的历史和文化遗产。附近还有许多公园和花园,您可以放松身心,享受大自然。


