La Aurora Airport | 机场过境旅游


La Aurora Airport




La Aurora Airport 是危地马拉的主要国际机场,位于首都危地马拉城以南约 6 公里处。它是一个现代化、设备齐全的机场,为前往和离开危地马拉的游客提供服务。



  • 危地马拉城历史中心:联合国教科文组织世界遗产,拥有殖民时期的建筑和博物馆。
  • 蒂卡尔:玛雅文明最重要的考古遗址之一。
  • 安提瓜瓜地马拉: 16 世纪的殖民城市,以其色彩缤纷的建筑和鹅卵石街道而闻名。
  • 阿提特兰湖:一个风景如画的高山湖泊,被火山环绕。
  • Semuc Champey:一个自然奇观,由石灰岩露头和天然游泳池组成,形成级联瀑布。
  • 里约杜尔斯国家公园:一个生物多样性的热带雨林,栖息着各种野生动物。
  • 奇奇卡斯特南戈市场:一个繁华的土著市场,以其色彩缤纷的手工艺品和传统服饰而闻名。
  • 帕卡亚火山国家公园:一个活火山公园,游客可以徒步或乘坐缆车登上火山口。
  • 伊西姆切:另一个重要的玛雅遗址,以其金字塔和球场而闻名。
  • 雷塔卢Leu National Park:一个保护区,栖息着各种鸟类,包括著名的军舰鸟。


Exploring the Aurora Airport Area: An Unforgettable Adventure

Nestled amidst the vibrant city of Guatemala City, La Aurora Airport (GUA) serves as the country's main gateway to the world. While many travelers may simply transit through this bustling hub, venturing beyond its confines reveals a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

Historic Charm at the Castle of San José

Just a short drive from the airport lies a captivating historical site: the Castillo de San José (San José Castle). This imposing fortress, constructed in the 16th century, once guarded the Spanish colony from pirate attacks. Today, its crumbling stone walls whisper tales of a bygone era, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.

Artisanal Treasures at the Crafts Market

For those seeking authentic Guatemalan souvenirs, a visit to the Mercado de Artesanías (Crafts Market) is a must. Located near the airport, this lively marketplace showcases an array of traditional handicrafts, including vibrant textiles, intricately carved wooden masks, and colorful ceramics. Bargaining is encouraged, making it a fun and rewarding experience.

Serene Moments at Minerva Park

Adjacent to the Crafts Market is the Parque Minerva (Minerva Park), a peaceful oasis amid the city's hustle and bustle. The park boasts lush greenery, a tranquil fountain, and a children's playground. It's an ideal spot to relax, people-watch, or simply soak up the atmosphere.

Culinary Delights at La Cazuela de Fuego

After a day of exploration, satisfy your taste buds at La Cazuela de Fuego, a renowned restaurant specializing in traditional Guatemalan cuisine. Located just south of the airport, this culinary haven offers a tantalizing menu of flavorful dishes, such as pepián (stew) and chuchitos (corn tamales). Wash it all down with a refreshing horchata or tamarindo juice.

Additional Tips

  • Consider taking a taxi or Uber from the airport to avoid navigating unfamiliar roads.
  • Learn a few basic Spanish phrases to enhance your interactions with locals.
  • Respect Guatemalan customs and traditions by dressing modestly and being polite.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep valuables secure.

Exploring the La Aurora Airport area is an enriching and rewarding experience that combines historical wonders, cultural treasures, and culinary delights. Whether you have a long layover or simply wish to delve into the heart of Guatemala City, this hidden gem promises an unforgettable adventure.


和家人在 Aurora Aurora 机场附近的愉快探索

我们的航班抵达古亚基尔 Aurora Airport (GYE),我们迫不及待地想探索这座繁华的城市。我们决定先驱车前往附近的 Durán,这是一个拥有迷人河滨风景和历史古迹的城市。

马莱孔2000(Malecón 2000)

我们的第一站是马莱孔2000,这是一个沿着 Guayas 河延伸的美丽的河滨长廊。我们悠闲地漫步,欣赏着令人惊叹的河景和现代化的建筑。孩子们在游乐场上度过了愉快的时光,而我们则在长椅上放松,享受着温暖的微风。

Durán 百货历史公园(Parque Histórico Guayaquil)

接下来,我们前往 Durán 百货历史公园,一个占地 48 公顷的公园,展示了厄瓜多尔丰富的历史和文化。我们参观了旧农舍、教堂和传统市场,了解了该地区的过去。孩子们尤其喜欢参观动物保护区,那里有猴子、鳄鱼和巨型乌龟。

拉斯佩涅拉斯山丘(Cerro Las Peñas)

离开历史公园后,我们开车前往拉斯佩涅拉斯山丘,这是一个风景如画的社区,位于古亚基尔山顶。我们爬上色彩缤纷的楼梯,欣赏着这座城市令人惊叹的全景。我们还参观了圣安娜公墓 (Cementerio de San Ana),那里埋葬着该市一些最著名的人物。


我们的旅程最后以市中心观光而结束。我们漫步在繁华的街道上,参观了大教堂 (Catedral Metropolitana) 和艺术宫 (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo)。我们还在当地餐厅享用了美味的午餐,品尝了传统的厄瓜多尔美食。


经过愉快的探索后,我们回到 Aurora Airport,准备继续我们的旅程。我们对我们在古亚基尔和 Durán 的时光印象深刻,并期待着有一天再次回来。

