Manuel Crescencio Rewon International Airport | 机场过境旅游 | Manuel Crescencio Rejon International Airport




  • 国家:墨西哥
  • 城市:梅里达


  • 亚热带气候,全年温暖宜人
  • 年平均气温:26°C(79°F)
  • 湿度较高



  • 广场大教堂 (Catedral de San Ildefonso):梅里达标志性的西班牙殖民时代大教堂
  • 蒙特霍宫 (Palacio de Montejo):华丽的 19 世纪宫殿,融合了玛雅和欧洲建筑风格
  • Paseo de Montejo:风景如画的林荫大道,两旁 lined 美丽的建筑
  • 卢塞罗庄园 (Hacienda Lucero):历史悠久的庄园,提供导览游览和文化活动
  • 格兰Museo del Mundo Maya:展示玛雅文明宝藏的世界级博物馆


  • Uxmal:联合国教科文组织世界遗产,是玛雅古典时期的重要城市
  • 奇琴伊察:另一处联合国教科文组织世界遗产,拥有金字塔、球场和神殿
  • 塞尔瓦图坎:充满活力的生态保护区,可以观赏热带鸟类和其他野生动物
  • 普罗格雷索:海滨城市,拥有美丽的海滩和码头
  • 伊萨马尔:被称为“黄色之城”,拥有鲜黄色房屋的迷人殖民时代小城镇
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在 Manuel Crescencio Rejón International Airport 附近的难忘之旅


Manuel Crescencio Rejón International Airport(MCR)是墨西哥尤卡坦州首府梅里达的主要国际机场。虽然机场本身可能不是一个旅游景点,但其便利的位置使其成为探索周边地区的门户。


从 MCR 出发只需 20 分钟即可到达梅里达市中心。这座迷人的城市以其殖民时期的建筑、丰富的文化和美味的美食而闻名。一定要参观以下景点:

  • 大广场(Plaza Grande):城市中心,周围环绕着大教堂、市政宫和总督宫。
  • 梅里达大教堂(Catedral de Mérida):宏伟的大教堂,拥有令人惊叹的巴洛克式立面。
  • 蒙特霍宫(Palacio de Montejo):这座标志性的豪宅是西班牙殖民建筑的典范。


奇琴伊察是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,是古代玛雅文明最重要的考古遗址之一。从 MCR 出发约 2 小时车程即可到达。亮点包括:

  • 金字塔库库尔坎(Pirámide de Kukulkán):宏伟的金字塔,顶部设有寺庙。
  • 战士神庙(Templo de los Guerreros):拥有令人印象深刻的羽蛇神雕刻。
  • 千柱群(Grupo de las Mil Columnas):巨大的石柱群,曾用于支持神庙和房屋。


普罗格雷索海滩距离 MCR 约 30 分钟车程,是放松身心和享受阳光的好地方。这里拥有绵延数英里的白色沙滩、清澈湛蓝的海水和各式各样的餐厅和酒吧。




MCR 附近有多种住宿选择,从经济型酒店到豪华度假村。


梅里达以其美味的尤卡坦菜肴而闻名,包括 Cochinita Pibil(烤猪肉)、Panuchos(玉米饼)和 Papadzules(玉米卷)。


从 MCR 到周边地区的交通十分便利,可以租车、搭乘出租车或使用公共汽车。


Manuel Crescencio Rejón International Airport 附近提供各种各样的旅游体验。从历史悠久的城市到令人惊叹的考古遗址和风景如画的海滩,这个地区一定会让每位游客都流连忘返。

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As our family embarked on an exciting vacation, we arrived at Manuel Crescencio Rejon International Airport (MCR). With anticipation in our hearts, we couldn't wait to explore the captivating city of Merida and its enchanting surroundings.

X'cambo Archaeological Ruins:

Just a short drive from the airport, we ventured to the ancient Maya city of X'cambo. As we ventured through the ruins, we marveled at the towering pyramids, intricate carvings, and remnants of a once-great civilization. Our imaginations raced as we imagined the lives of the Mayans who had once inhabited this sacred site.

Progreso Beach:

Longing for the sun and sand, we made our way to the idyllic beach of Progreso. The pristine white beaches and crystal-clear waters beckoned us to take a refreshing dip. We built sandcastles, played volleyball, and soaked up the warmth of the Yucatan sun.

Plaza Grande:

In the heart of Merida, we strolled through the vibrant Plaza Grande. The majestic Catedral de San Ildefonso dominated the square, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens. We admired the colonial architecture, visited the Governor's Palace, and enjoyed traditional Yucatecan cuisine at a lively restaurant.

Gran Museo del Mundo Maya:

To delve into the rich history and culture of the Maya, we visited the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya. The interactive exhibits showcased the advancements, beliefs, and daily life of this ancient civilization. We learned about the Maya calendar, hieroglyphs, and the mysteries that still surround them.

Hacienda Uxmal:

Stepping back in time, we took a day trip to the breathtaking Hacienda Uxmal. Surrounded by lush gardens and elegant architecture, we strolled through its courtyards, stables, and sugar mill. The grandeur of this historic estate transported us to another era.

As our vacation drew to a close, we left Manuel Crescencio Rejon International Airport with a treasure trove of memories. The family bonding, cultural experiences, and natural beauty of the Yucatan had created an unforgettable adventure.

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