穆尔塔拉·穆罕默德国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Murtala Muhammed International Airport


穆尔塔拉·穆罕默德国际机场 (LOS)


  • 国家:尼日利亚
  • 城市:拉各斯


  • 热带季风气候
  • 全年高温多雨
  • 雨季:4 月至 10 月
  • 旱季:11 月至 3 月


  • 提比西岛:一个风景优美、拥有美丽海滩的岛屿,距离机场约 2 小时车程。
  • 拉各斯国家博物馆:展示尼日利亚丰富的历史和文化,包括艺术品、文物和雕塑。
  • 莱基保护区:一个保护区,拥有茂密的红树林、野生动物和观鸟点。
  • 巴尔城堡:一个建于 19 世纪的堡垒,展示了拉各斯的殖民历史。
  • 特卡斯沸点:一个繁华的夜总会和娱乐中心,提供现场音乐、舞蹈和美味佳肴。
  • 维多利亚岛:一个时尚的商业和金融中心,拥有摩天大楼、购物中心和高级餐厅。


  • 机场代码: LOS
  • 距离市中心:约 20 公里
  • 航站楼数量: 3 个
  • 设施:免税店、餐厅、咖啡馆、商务中心、货币兑换处和免费 Wi-Fi。
  • 交通:出租车、Uber、巴士和穿梭巴士
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踏入尼日利亚最大的机场——穆尔塔拉·穆罕默德国际机场(Murtala Muhammed International Airport),开启一场令人难忘的旅程。除了机场附近众多便利设施外,您还可以深入探索当地文化和景点。

探索 Tin Can 水上岛

距离机场仅 15 分钟车程,Tin Can 水上岛是一个令人惊叹的目的地。这个独特的人工岛屿拥有宽阔的滨水区,提供宁静的氛围和令人惊叹的城市景观。您可以漫步于风景如画的海滨长廊,欣赏壮丽的码头和船只。


在距机场 20 分钟车程的 Badagry,您将置身于尼日利亚富饶的历史之中。这座历史悠久的城镇被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产,是奴隶贸易的中心。您可以参观 Badagry 奴隶博物馆和哭泣之点,了解这段心痛的历史。


在机场附近的众多餐厅中,您可以品尝到尼日利亚特色菜肴。从香辣的 jollof 米饭到美味的 eba 和 egusi 汤,您将沉醉于当地口味的盛宴。前往 Mama Cass 餐厅或 Yellow Chilli 餐厅,尽情享受美食体验。


机场附近有各种各样的购物选择。对于那些寻找纪念品或礼物的人来说,Lagbus 商店出售广泛的尼日利亚手工艺品。您还可以在 Palms 购物中心和 Ikeja City Mall 找到各种本地和国际品牌。


在繁忙的城市中心,Abraham Adesanya 植物园提供了一个宁静的绿洲。这个占地 100 英亩的花园拥有各种各样的热带植物、一个人工湖和鸟类保护区。您可以在其宁静的小径上漫步,欣赏自然美景。


  • 提前预订机场接送服务,确保无忧的出行。
  • 携带当地货币以方便购物和餐饮。
  • 尊重当地文化和传统。
  • 随身携带防晒霜、太阳镜和充足的水以防炎热和潮湿。

准备好探索穆尔塔拉·穆罕默德国际机场(Murtala Muhammed International Airport)附近迷人的景点,开启一段难忘且丰盛的旅程。

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Lakeside Park and Gardens

After our arrival at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA), we were eager to explore the nearby surroundings with our family. Just a short drive from the airport, we discovered the tranquil haven of Lakeside Park and Gardens.

As we strolled through the lush green lawns, we were greeted by the cheerful chirping of birds. The sparkling lake, a mesmerizing sight, reflected the vibrant colors of the surrounding foliage. Our children giggled with delight as they chased each other around the playground, while we enjoyed a relaxing walk along the scenic promenade.

Tinub Square

Next, we made our way to Tinub Square, a historic and vibrant public space. The square teemed with locals and tourists alike, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere. We admired the intricate architecture of the surrounding buildings, which transported us back in time to the city's rich past.

Our children were particularly fascinated by the massive clock tower that dominated the square. They marveled at its intricate details and the melodious chimes that echoed through the air every hour.

National Museum of Nigeria

In search of cultural immersion, we visited the National Museum of Nigeria. The museum houses an extensive collection of artifacts that showcase the diverse history and cultural heritage of the country.

From ancient bronze sculptures to intricate textiles, we spent hours admiring the exhibits. Our children were especially intrigued by the interactive displays that brought the exhibits to life.


Our airport-adjacent adventure was a perfect blend of relaxation, history, and cultural exploration. Lakeside Park and Gardens provided a tranquil escape, Tinub Square offered a glimpse into the city's vibrant present, and the National Museum of Nigeria enriched our understanding of the country's fascinating past.

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