N'Djamena International Airport | 机场过境旅游





机场代码: NDJ


恩贾梅纳全年炎热干燥。年平均气温约为 32°C(89.6°F)。旱季从 11 月持续到 4 月,雨季从 6 月持续到 10 月。


  • 乍得国家博物馆:展示乍得丰富的历史和文化,包括古代文物、民族服饰和艺术品。
  • Grand Marché:熙熙攘攘的市场,出售各种商品,从手工艺品到新鲜农产品。
  • 乌拉米河:沿着恩贾梅纳流淌,为城市提供了宁静的绿洲。
  • 罗湖国家公园:距离恩贾梅纳约 60 公里,是观赏野生动物如大象、犀牛和狮子等动物的理想目的地。
  • 恩贾梅纳清真寺:一座令人印象深刻的清真寺,以其宏伟的建筑和彩色瓷砖圆顶而闻名。


  • 免税店
  • 餐馆和咖啡厅
  • 货币兑换处
  • 行李寄存
  • 免费无线网络
  • VIP 休息室


Exploring the Enchanting Surrounds of N'Djamena International Airport

N'Djamena International Airport (NDJ) is the gateway to Chad, a captivating nation in Central Africa. Venture beyond the airport grounds and unveil the hidden gems that await within the city of N'Djamena and its neighboring areas.

Grand Mosque of N'Djamena (Grande Mosquee de N'Djamena)

A symphony of sandstone and alabaster, the Grand Mosque stands tall as an architectural marvel. Admire the intricate carvings and immerse yourself in the tranquility of this sacred site.

National Museum of Chad (Musee National du Tchad)

Journey through time at the National Museum, showcasing Chad's rich history and cultural heritage. Discover fossils, artifacts, and captivating exhibits that narrate the nation's fascinating past.

Lake Chad (Lac Tchad)

Escape to the serene shores of Lake Chad, a vast and shimmering expanse that spans several countries. Enjoy picturesque sunsets, birdwatching, and the tranquility of nature's embrace.

Abtouyour Market (Marche d'Abtouyour)

Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Abtouyour Market, a bustling hub of commerce and cultural exchange. Browse traditional crafts, savor local delicacies, and witness the daily life of N'Djamena.

N'Gouri Mountains (Massif du Tibesti)

For those seeking adventure, venture into the rugged landscapes of the N'Gouri Mountains. Hike through volcanic craters, marvel at soaring sandstone cliffs, and encounter nomadic tribes amidst this breathtaking wilderness.

Chari River (Chari)

Meander along the banks of the Chari River, a picturesque waterway that meanders through N'Djamena. Witness the vibrant riverside communities and soak up the serene atmosphere.

Tips for Travelers:

  • Hire a local guide to enhance your exploration and provide cultural insights.
  • Respect local customs and traditions when visiting religious and cultural sites.
  • Pack essential supplies for outdoor adventures, including water, sunscreen, and appropriate clothing.
  • Allow ample time for exploration, as distances can be significant.
  • Immerse yourself in the local cuisine to experience the flavors of Chad.

As you embark on your adventure around N'Djamena International Airport, cherish the unique experiences that await. From architectural wonders to natural landscapes and cultural immersion, the environs of NDJ offer an unforgettable tapestry of discovery.


在恩贾梅纳国际机场(N'Djamena International Airport)附近的家庭旅行体验



乍得国家博物馆(Chad National Museum)展示了丰富的乍得历史和文化。我们探索了令人印象深刻的恐龙骨骼、传统服饰和艺术品收藏。


大清真寺(Grande Mosquée)是恩贾梅纳最具标志性的地标之一。我们参观了这座宏伟的建筑,欣赏其令人惊叹的建筑和宁静的氛围。


查德广场(Place de la Nation)是一个热闹的公共广场,当地人和游客汇聚一堂。我们漫步在广场上,聆听音乐家的表演,并品尝当地美食。


马约-凯比市场(Marché Central)是一个繁华的市场,出售各种各样的商品。我们购买了传统手工艺品、纪念品和美味的水果。


勒拉苗蒂酒店(Le Tchadienne)提供美味的乍得美食。我们享用了一顿传统的晚餐,品尝了当地特色菜,如布卡利(Boukari)和米奥苏(Miosso)。


我们在距离机场仅几分钟路程的希尔顿恩贾梅纳酒店(Hilton N'Djamena)住了下来。酒店提供了舒适的住宿和便利的设施,让我们的旅行更加愉快。


