Pinto Martins International Airport | 机场过境旅游



国家: 巴西

城市: 弗朗西斯科·平托


  • 热带季风气候
  • 全年炎热潮湿
  • 雨季:1 月至 4 月
  • 旱季:5 月至 12 月


  • 福塔莱萨中央市场:一个充满活力的市场,出售新鲜农产品、工艺品和纪念品。
  • 拖鞋沙丘:高耸的沙丘,可以观赏壮观的日落景色。
  • Beira Mar 大道:一条沿海大道,提供美丽的海洋景观和海滨餐厅。
  • Cumbuco 海滩:一个受欢迎的海滩度假胜地,以水上运动而闻名,如风筝冲浪和皮划艇。
  • 穆库里普国家公园:一个拥有令人惊叹的沙丘、潟湖和红树林的保护区。
  • Moitas 湿地生态公园:一个都市绿洲,拥有丰富的动植物群。
  • 卡斯特洛纪念馆:一座历史悠久的城堡,提供城市的全景。
  • 大剧院 Catribú:举办音乐会、戏剧表演和文化活动的文化中心。


Pinto Martins International Airport

Unveiling the Hidden Gems Near Fortaleza's Gateway

Upon arriving at Pinto Martins International Airport, I was eager to explore the hidden treasures that lay within Fortaleza's vicinity. Venturing just a short distance from the airport, I embarked on an unforgettable journey that unveiled the vibrant tapestry of local culture and captivating natural wonders.

Praia do Futuro (Future Beach)

A mere 12 kilometers from the airport, Praia do Futuro welcomed me with its sprawling expanse of golden sands and refreshing Atlantic waves. I strolled along the promenade, admiring the vibrant street art and enjoying the lively atmosphere. Local vendors offered mouthwatering delicacies like grilled cheese sandwiches (queijo coalho) and refreshing coconut water (água de coco).

Mercado dos Peixes (Fish Market)

For an authentic glimpse into local life, I made my way to the Mercado dos Peixes. This bustling market is a testament to Fortaleza's rich seafood culture. I marveled at the colorful displays of freshly caught fish, crabs, and shrimp. Amidst the lively banter of vendors, I couldn't resist indulging in a plate of grilled seafood.

Beach Park

Just 25 kilometers from the airport, Beach Park is a water paradise suitable for all ages. With high-speed water slides, tranquil lazy rivers, and sparkling swimming pools, I spent hours splashing and having fun. The park's vibrant atmosphere and panoramic ocean views made it an unforgettable experience.

Parque Nacional de Jericoacoara

Venturing slightly further from the airport (approximately 300 kilometers), I discovered the breathtaking Parque Nacional de Jericoacoara. This protected national park boasts pristine beaches, towering sand dunes, and emerald-green lagoons. I hiked through lush trails, marveled at the stunning sunsets, and enjoyed the tranquil atmosphere.


My adventure near Pinto Martins International Airport revealed a captivating tapestry of cultural experiences and natural wonders. From the lively shores of Praia do Futuro to the vibrant Mercado dos Peixes, the exhilaration of Beach Park, and the serene beauty of Parque Nacional de Jericoacoara, Fortaleza and its surroundings offer an unforgettable travel destination. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, the gateway to this vibrant region is sure to exceed your expectations.


Fortaleza, Brazil: A Joyful Family Adventure near Pinto Martins International Airport

在结束Pinto Martins International Airport (FOR)机场的精彩旅程后,我们一家决定在福塔莱萨探索周围地区。我们发现了一系列景点,为我们提供了难忘的家庭时光。

Museu do Ceará (Ceará Museum)


Parque Ecológico do Cocó (Cocó Ecological Park)


Mercado Central (Central Market)


Praia de Iracema (Iracema Beach)


Other Attractions:


  • Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura (龙之海艺术文化中心)
  • Theatro José de Alencar (何塞·德·阿伦卡尔剧院)
  • Ponte dos Ingleses (英国人桥)

总的来说,我们在Pinto Martins International Airport附近的家庭之旅既愉快又充实。我们了解了当地的历史和文化,享受了大自然的美丽,并体验了福塔莱萨的独特风情。

