Quanzhou Jinjiang国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Quanzhou Jinjiang International Airport







  • 清源山:泉州著名的游览胜地,以其奇特的自然风光和众多历史人文景观而闻名。
  • 开元寺:中国四大古刹之一,是中国现存规模最大的唐代寺庙建筑群。
  • 洛阳桥:始建于宋代,是中国现存最长的石拱桥,堪称世界上最早的跨海大石桥。
  • 泉州海洋博物馆:展示泉州悠久的航海历史和海洋文化,是了解泉州海洋文明的最佳场所。
  • 安平桥:连接金门湾东西两岸,是中国现存最长的木结构廊桥,被誉为“世界上最长的木桥”。
  • 九日山:福建省著名的佛教圣地,以其秀丽的景色和众多寺庙而闻名。
  • 西街:泉州古城保存最完好的历史街区,是著名的旅游步行街,充满了古色古香的建筑和特色店铺。
4K Chinese Street View|Nan'an City, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province
Jinjiang, Fujian🇨🇳 Charming Red Brick Buildings in Southern China (4K HDR)


Exploring Quanzhou Near Jinjiang International Airport

Upon arriving at Quanzhou Jinjiang International Airport (JJN), I embarked on an exciting adventure to explore the surrounding area. Here's a glimpse into my memorable experience:

Rongqiao Wetlands Park (Arial View) Near the airport, I discovered the serene Rongqiao Wetlands Park. From an aerial view, the park resembled a vibrant tapestry with lush greenery, shimmering lakes, and intricate wooden walkways. I strolled along the pathways, enjoying the tranquility of nature and the chorus of birdsong.

Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Museum A short drive from the airport led me to the Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Museum. I delved into the fascinating history of Chinese migration, learning about the contributions made by overseas Chinese to the development of Quanzhou and beyond.

Quanzhou Kaisyuan Temple Nestled in the heart of the city, the ancient Quanzhou Kaisyuan Temple exuded a sense of reverence. As I wandered through its courtyards and halls, I marveled at the awe-inspiring architecture and the intricate carvings that adorned every surface.

Shiwen Cave (Natural Cave) Just a stone's throw from the temple, Shiwen Cave beckoned with its enchanting charm. I ventured into the subterranean labyrinth, discovering hidden chambers, towering rock formations, and subterranean rivers. It was an otherworldly experience that left me in awe.

Anping Bridge (Luoyang Bridge) A short walk from the airport brought me to the iconic Anping Bridge, also known as the Luoyang Bridge. This ancient stone arch bridge, built over 800 years ago, has witnessed countless historical events. I soaked in the stunning views from the bridge and felt a profound connection to the past.

As I bid farewell to Quanzhou, I couldn't help but reflect on the incredible experiences I had enjoyed. The proximity of these attractions to the airport made it an ideal destination for a quick and unforgettable getaway.

4K Chinese Street View|Yongchun County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province
4K Chinese Street View|Shishi City, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province



我们一行人怀着兴奋的心情,来到泉州晋江国际机场(Quanzhou Jinjiang International Airport),准备在附近展开一场难忘的家庭之旅。

1. 探索安海古镇 (Anhai Town)


2. 参观洛阳桥 (Luoyang Bridge)


3. 品尝正宗的晋江美食


4. 参拜开元寺 (Kaiyuan Temple)


5. 观赏宋代文化村 (Song Dynasty Culture Village)



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