Quetzalcoatl国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Quetzalcoatl International Airport


欢迎来到 Quetzalcóatl 国际机场 (NLD)

国家和城市: Quetzalcóatl 国际机场位于墨西哥拉萨罗·卡德纳斯市,该市位于米却肯州太平洋沿岸。

气候: 米却肯州属于热带气候,全年炎热潮湿。平均温度在 26°C (79°F) 至 32°C (90°F) 之间。


  • 航站楼:1 个航站楼
  • 跑道:1 条
  • 航空公司:目前有 5 家航空公司运营,包括 Aeroméxico、Volaris、American Airlines、Delta Air Lines 和 Southwest Airlines。
  • 航线:提供前往墨西哥国内主要城市以及洛杉矶、休斯顿、芝加哥和达拉斯等国际目的地的航线。
  • 其他设施:免税店、餐厅、咖啡馆、行李寄存处和货币兑换处。


  • 拉萨罗·卡德纳斯港:一个繁忙的港口城市,以其历史中心、海滨长廊和海滩而闻名。
  • 科利马州:一个以其火山、考古遗址和咖啡种植园而闻名的邻近州。
  • 瓦哈卡州:一个拥有丰富文化遗产和传统美食的州,包括古城瓦哈卡。
  • 瓜纳华托州:一个拥有标志性的银矿城瓜纳华托和历史悠久的城市圣米格尔德阿连德的州。
  • 墨西哥城:墨西哥的首都,拥有丰富的文化、历史和美食体验。


  • 出租车:从机场到市中心约需 15 分钟。
  • 公共汽车:机场提供往返市中心的公共汽车服务。
  • 拼车:Uber 和 Lyft 等拼车服务在机场运营。
  • 租车:机场内有多家租车公司。


Exploring the Enchanting Surroundings of Quetzalcoatl International Airport

Upon my arrival at Quetzalcoatl International Airport (QIA), I was eager to delve into the captivating beauty that lay beyond its modern walls. I embarked on a delightful adventure, venturing into the surrounding areas and discovering a treasure trove of hidden gems.

Museo de Antropología de Xalapa (Xalapa Museum of Anthropology)

A short drive from QIA is the renowned Museo de Antropología de Xalapa. This world-class museum houses a vast collection of pre-Columbian artifacts, offering a fascinating glimpse into the rich history of Mexico's indigenous cultures. The intricate sculptures, colorful ceramics, and ancient jewelry captivated me, transporting me back in time.

Cascada Texolo (Texolo Waterfall)

Nature enthusiasts will marvel at the breathtaking Cascada Texolo, a stunning waterfall nestled amidst lush vegetation. The cascading white waters plunge over a sheer rock face, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. I spent hours marveling at the natural beauty and tranquility of this hidden paradise.

Grutas de Cacahuamilpa (Cacahuamilpa Caves)

Venture underground for an unforgettable experience at the Grutas de Cacahuamilpa. These colossal caves stretch for miles, adorned with magnificent stalactites and stalagmites that shimmer in the ethereal light. I felt a sense of awe as I explored the vast subterranean caverns, marveling at the intricate geological formations.

Laguna de Zempoala (Zempoala Lagoon)

For a tranquil escape, head to the picturesque Laguna de Zempoala. This shimmering lake is surrounded by verdant hills and offers breathtaking views. I took a leisurely boat ride across the crystal-clear waters, admiring the abundant birdlife and the stunning reflections of the surrounding landscape.

Hacienda El Lencero (El Lencero Hacienda)

Experience the grandeur of Mexico's colonial past at Hacienda El Lencero. This sprawling hacienda was once a bustling sugar plantation and is now a testament to the region's rich agricultural heritage. I wandered through its historical buildings, admiring the elaborate architecture and learning about the fascinating history of the area.

As the sun began to set, I made my way back to QIA, filled with a profound appreciation for the vibrant culture and natural wonders that surround this vibrant airport. My adventure had been a testament to the fact that even in the vicinity of a modern transportation hub, there's a world of beauty and discovery just waiting to be explored.



我们怀着兴奋的心情,踏上了前往Quetzalcoatl International Airport(凯撒科阿特尔国际机场)的旅程,期待着与家人共度一段愉快的时光。到达后,我们租了一辆车,迫不及待地开往邻近地区,探索这里隐藏的宝藏。

圣尼古拉斯教区教堂(Parish of San Nicolas Tolentino)

我们的第一站是圣尼古拉斯教区教堂(Parish of San Nicolas Tolentino),这是一座令人惊叹的巴洛克式建筑,其历史可以追溯到 18 世纪。我们被其华丽的祭坛和 intricate 门道所深深吸引。

奇琴伊察(Chichen Itza)

第二天,我们前往神秘的奇琴伊察(Chichen Itza),这是玛雅文明最著名的考古遗址之一。我们漫步在金字塔、球场和天文台之间,惊叹于古代玛雅人的建筑成就。

塞诺特伊克基尔(Cenote Ik Kil)

消暑的最佳方式是前往塞诺特伊克基尔(Cenote Ik Kil),这是一个令人惊叹的天然游泳洞。我们跳入清澈湛蓝的水中,在石灰岩悬崖的荫蔽下享受轻松的时光。



埃克巴兰(Ek Balam)

最后,我们探索了埃克巴兰(Ek Balam),另一个令人印象深刻的玛雅遗址,以其巨大的金字塔和精美的浮雕而闻名。我们爬上金字塔的顶部,欣赏周围丛林的壮丽景色。

在Quetzalcoatl International Airport(凯撒科阿特尔国际机场)附近,我们与家人度过了一段难忘的时光,创造了宝贵的回忆。从历史古迹到自然奇观,这个地区提供了丰富的体验,让我们的家庭之旅既充实又令人兴奋。

