Santiago-Rosalía de Castro Airport | 机场过境旅游



国家: 西班牙 城市: 圣地亚哥·德孔波斯特拉 机场代码: SCQ



  • 夏季: 温暖至炎热,平均气温 15-25°C(59-77°F)
  • 冬季: 凉爽至寒冷,平均气温 5-12°C(41-54°F)
  • 降水: 全年降水量充足,分布均匀


圣地亚哥-罗萨莉亚·德·卡斯特罗机场距离市中心仅 9 公里(5.6 英里),可轻松前往以下旅游景点:

  • 圣地亚哥大教堂: 一座联合国教科文组织世界遗产,是圣雅各之路朝圣者的目的地。
  • 圣地亚哥历史中心: 一座迷人的中世纪小镇,拥有鹅卵石街道和古老的建筑。
  • 拉巴斯蒂达广场: 该市主要广场,周围环绕着历史悠久的建筑、商店和咖啡馆。
  • 石墙: 一段中世纪的城墙,提供了该市全景。
  • 阿巴斯泰罗市场: 一个充满活力的传统市场,出售各种当地农产品和海鲜。
  • 圣佩拉约修道院: 一座风景如画的 12 世纪罗马式修道院,距离机场约 15 公里(9.3 英里)。



  • 免税店
  • 餐厅和咖啡馆
  • 货币兑换处
  • 租车服务
  • 免费 Wi-Fi


Exploring the Gems Near Santiago-Rosalía de Castro Airport

Upon arriving at Santiago-Rosalía de Castro Airport (SCQ), I couldn't resist exploring the surrounding areas to discover hidden gems. Within a short driving distance from the airport, I stumbled upon a plethora of captivating attractions that left me in awe.

Relaxing Stroll at Praia de Barraña

Just a 5-minute drive from SCQ, Praia de Barraña enchants visitors with its pristine golden sands and gentle waves. I strolled along the shoreline, soaking in the breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. The beach offers ample opportunities for swimming, sunbathing, and simply relaxing amidst nature.

Admiration of Castelo de Soutomaior

A short drive inland led me to the magnificent Castelo de Soutomaior, a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. This imposing castle boasts a rich history and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. I wandered through its ancient courtyards and dungeons, feeling a profound connection to the past.

Indulgence in Local Cuisine

To sample the authentic flavors of Galician cuisine, I headed to the charming village of Pontevedra. A short 15-minute drive from the airport, Pontevedra is renowned for its gastronomy. I savored succulent seafood dishes at Restaurante Marcelo, accompanied by local wines.

Immersion in Art and Culture at Museo de Pontevedra

For a cultural immersion, I visited the acclaimed Museo de Pontevedra, which houses an impressive collection of art and archaeological artifacts. I admired masterpieces by Galician masters and gained insights into the region's vibrant past.

Nature's Embrace at Ría de Vigo

A scenic drive along the Ría de Vigo, a fjord-like estuary, rewarded me with breathtaking views of the coastline and surrounding mountains. I stopped at the Mirador de Monteferro, where I marveled at the panoramic vistas and the vibrant marine life below.

Unforgettable Culinary Experience at O Lago

For a culinary crescendo, I made a pilgrimage to O Lago, a Michelin-starred restaurant located just outside Pontevedra. Chef Javier Olleros's innovative dishes showcased the best of Galician produce, leaving an indelible mark on my taste buds.

Returning to SCQ

As my trip drew to a close, I returned to Santiago-Rosalía de Castro Airport with a heart filled with unforgettable memories. The proximity of the airport to these incredible attractions made my adventure seamless and ensured that I made the most of my time in the region.



我们一家最近在西班牙圣地亚哥-罗莎莉娅·德·卡斯特罗机场(Santiago-Rosalía de Castro Airport)附近度过了一段难忘的时光。从机场出发,我们有许多令人兴奋的选择来满足每个人的兴趣。

圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉大教堂(Santiago de Compostela Cathedral):


圣地亚哥城墙(City Walls of Santiago):


帕佐·德·拉格拉西亚(Pazo de la Grazia):


圣地亚哥现代艺术中心(Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea):


普拉亚·德·萨米尔(Playa de Samil):



