Shannon Airport | 机场过境旅游



所在国家: 爱尔兰

所在城市: 利默里克


  • 温带海洋性气候
  • 全年降水量适中
  • 夏季温和,冬季凉爽多雨



  • 克利夫斯莫赫悬崖:令人惊叹的悬崖,高达 214 米
  • 本布尔本山:爱尔兰著名的山峰之一,可欣赏全景
  • 香农河:潺潺的河流,是泛舟和垂钓的好地方


  • 班拉蒂城堡和庄园:一座保存完好的 15 世纪城堡,展示了中世纪生活方式
  • 香农赫斯特堡:一座 17 世纪的城堡,提供 guided tours 和花园参观
  • 王宫国王:沉浸式的体验,让游客了解爱尔兰古代历史


  • 香农机场航空博物馆:展示了航空史的各种展品
  • 利默里克市:以其充满活力的文化和夜生活而闻名
  • 伯伦群岛:三个风景如画的岛屿,提供野生动物观赏和徒步旅行


  • 机场提供广泛的航空公司和航班
  • 现代化的设施,包括商店、餐厅和咖啡厅
  • 距离利默里克市中心仅 18 公里


Exploring the Enchanting Surroundings of Shannon Airport

Nestled in the heart of the Emerald Isle, Shannon Airport (SNN) is the gateway to a treasure-trove of captivating attractions. From the awe-inspiring Cliffs of Moher to the historic Bunratty Castle, the airport's proximity to these wonders makes it an ideal starting point for an unforgettable adventure.

Bunratty Castle and Folk Park

Just a 15-minute drive from the airport, Bunratty Castle (Bunratty Castle) rises majestically as a living testament to Ireland's rich medieval heritage. Step into its ancient halls and immerse yourself in the ambiance of a bygone era. Explore its dungeons, walk along its battlements, and marvel at its exquisite furnishings.

Adjacent to the castle is Bunratty Folk Park, a captivating living museum that recreates Irish life in the 19th century. Meet costumed characters, learn about traditional crafts, and enjoy live music and dance performances.

Cliffs of Moher

Approximately an hour's drive from Shannon Airport, the Cliffs of Moher (Cliffs of Moher) stand as an awe-inspiring natural marvel. Towering over the Atlantic Ocean, these sheer cliffs stretch for miles, offering breathtaking panoramic views. Embark on a coastal walk, admire the vibrant seabird colonies, and soak in the sheer magnificence of this iconic Irish landmark.

Dún Aonghasa

For those seeking a more rugged adventure, Dún Aonghasa (Dun Aonghasa) is an ancient stone fort perched atop the sheer cliffs of Inis Mór, one of the Aran Islands. Accessible by ferry from Doolin, just a 30-minute drive from the airport, Dún Aonghasa offers a glimpse into Ireland's prehistoric past and stunning coastal views.

The Burren

The Burren (The Burren), a unique and enigmatic landscape, lies within easy reach of Shannon Airport. This vast expanse of limestone pavement is dotted with mysterious dolmens, ring forts, and other archaeological wonders. Hike through its rugged terrain, marvel at its diverse flora, and discover its hidden caves and waterfalls.


Shannon Airport provides a convenient gateway to some of Ireland's most captivating attractions. Whether you seek historical intrigue, natural wonders, or cultural immersion, the airport's proximity to these treasures makes it an ideal base for an unforgettable exploration of the Emerald Isle. From the majestic Cliffs of Moher to the ancient ruins of Dún Aonghasa, the Shannon Airport area is brimming with experiences that will ignite your imagination and leave you with a profound appreciation for Ireland's rich heritage and stunning beauty.


在 Shannon Airport 附近与家人共度美好时光

我们一家人最近前往爱尔兰旅行,并在 Shannon Airport 停留。为了让我们的停留物有所值,我们计划了一个简短的行程,探索机场附近的一些景点。

King John's Castle

距机场仅 10 分钟路程,我们参观了令人惊叹的 King John's Castle。这座中世纪城堡建于 13 世纪,拥有丰富的历史。我们参加了一个导览游,了解了这座堡垒的围攻、征服和复兴。孩子们特别喜欢登上塔楼,从那里可以看到整个城市的全景。

Lough Derg Drive

在 King John's Castle 享受午餐后,我们开车沿着风景如画的 Lough Derg Drive。这条 112 公里长的线路沿着 Lough Derg 湖畔蜿蜒而行,风景如画的村庄、历史悠久的遗迹和令人惊叹的自然美景交相辉映。我们停下来在风景优美的小径上漫步,并参观了位于 Killaloe 镇的 St. Flannan's Cathedral。

Bunratty Castle and Folk Park

我们行程的最后一站是 Bunratty Castle and Folk Park,距离机场约 20 分钟路程。这座保存完好的 15 世纪城堡展示了爱尔兰中世纪生活。我们漫步在城堡的宏伟大厅和庭院中,并参观了民俗公园,在那里我们目睹了传统的爱尔兰手工艺和技能。傍晚,我们享用了传统的爱尔兰盛宴,宾客们穿着中世纪服装进行表演。

我们的机场之旅为我们提供了丰富的文化和历史体验,也为我们创造了美好的家庭回忆。Shannon Airport 周边地区有很多适合各个年龄段的景点,让我们的停留物超所值。

