Sisingamangaraja XII国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport


Sisingamangaraja XII 国际机场 (SUB)

国家: 印度尼西亚

城市: 棉兰

气候: 热带雨林气候,全年炎热潮湿。


  • 一个航站楼
  • 4 个登机口
  • 多个餐馆和商店
  • 免税店
  • 贵宾室
  • 行李领取处
  • 交通工具服务,包括出租车、公共汽车和私家车



  • 多巴湖: 世界上最大的火山湖之一,以其迷人的景色和丰富的生态系统而闻名。
  • 托巴卡利德拉火山国家公园: 托巴湖的周围地区,拥有独特的动植物群。
  • 西帕荷隆瀑布: 印度尼西亚最高的瀑布,令人惊叹。


  • 西辛加曼加拉查陵: 巴塔克民族英雄西辛加曼加拉查十二世的陵墓。
  • 北苏门答腊博物馆: 展示了该地区的文化和历史。
  • 马来文化宫: 了解马来文化和传统的中心。


  • 爱之山: 一个风景如画的山丘,可以俯瞰多巴湖。
  • 巴塔克村: 体验传统巴塔克文化和建筑。
  • 萨莫西尔岛: 多巴湖中一个风景优美的岛屿,以其村庄和寺庙而闻名。


Exploring the Enchanting Sights Near Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport

Upon arriving at Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport (Silangit Airport), I couldn't resist venturing beyond the tarmac to explore the idyllic surroundings. Just a short drive away, I discovered a treasure trove of natural wonders and cultural experiences that would leave an enduring impression.

Lake Toba (Danau Toba)

Nestled amidst the volcanic highlands, Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake in the world and a natural masterpiece. I took a scenic boat ride across its tranquil waters, marveling at the verdant slopes and mystical islands that dotted the perimeter. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the enchanting Samosir Island, home to traditional Batak villages and stunning views.

Muara Waterfall (Air Terjun Muara)

Just a stone's throw from the airport, Muara Waterfall cascades over a series of rock formations into a refreshing pool below. The lush greenery surrounding the waterfall creates a serene atmosphere perfect for relaxation or a refreshing swim. Hike along the scenic trail leading to the waterfall for breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Samosir Cultural Village (Museum Huta Bolon Simanindo)

Immerse yourself in the rich Batak culture at the Samosir Cultural Village. This living museum showcases traditional Batak architecture and daily life through exhibits of traditional houses, costumes, and artifacts. Engage with the friendly villagers and learn about their ancient traditions and beliefs.

Sibea-bea Hot Spring (Pemandian Air Panas Sibea-bea)

Indulge in the therapeutic benefits of the Sibea-bea Hot Spring. Nestled in a picturesque valley, this natural hot spring offers a rejuvenating soak amidst the tranquil surroundings. Relax in the warm mineral-rich waters and admire the stunning views of the surrounding hills.

Sipiso-piso Waterfall (Air Terjun Sipiso-piso)

Take a breathtaking journey to Sipiso-piso Waterfall, located about an hour's drive from the airport. This majestic waterfall plunges over 120 meters into a canyon, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Stand in awe at the viewing platform and feel the mist from the cascading water on your face.

As my time near Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport came to an end, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the incredible experiences I had encountered. The natural wonders, cultural heritage, and warm hospitality I witnessed left a lasting impression on my soul. May your journey in this enchanting region be filled with equally unforgettable moments.


Sisingamangaraja XII International Airport (Silangit International Airport)



我们的第一个目的地是风景如画的绿山湖(Lake Toba),距离机场仅约15分钟车程。我们沿着湖畔漫步,欣赏着郁郁葱葱的群山和清澈的湖水,并体验了传统的捕鱼技术。


我们继续前往距离湖泊约1小时车程的西马鲁苏火山(Mount Sinabung)。这座活火山提供了一次激动人心的徒步旅行,我们沿着崎岖的路径攀登,途中欣赏着火山周围的壮丽景色。

Sipiso-piso 瀑布



如果有时间,我们强烈推荐您前往萨摩西尔岛(Samosir Island)。这个岛屿位于绿山湖中央,提供了一个独特的文化体验。您可以参观传统的巴塔克村庄,了解他们的习俗和传统。


  • 参观 Sipinsur 村,了解传统巴塔克房屋。
  • 乘船游览绿山湖,欣赏湖泊的壮丽全景。
  • 在 Tangkahan 村与大象互动。

我们的机场之旅是一个难忘的经历,充满了令人惊叹的自然奇观、丰富的文化和温暖好客的人们。我们强烈推荐在苏门答腊北部探索 Sisingamangaraja XII 国际机场附近。

