Tabatinga国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | Tabatinga International Airport




  • 国家:巴西
  • 城市:塔巴廷加
  • 坐标:4°14'34"S 69°57'51"W


  • 热带雨林气候
  • 全年炎热潮湿
  • 年平均温度:27°C (81°F)
  • 降雨季节:11月至4月



  • 阿吉里港(Porto Aguiar):亚马逊河上的历史悠久的港口,提供观光游船和生态旅游
  • 阿瓜帕里国家森林(Floresta Nacional de Amapá):生物多样性丰富的雨林,拥有远足小径、瀑布和野生动物观赏
  • 索利芒斯河(Rio Solimões):亚马逊河的一条主要支流,提供钓鱼、划船和观光


  • 莱蒂西亚(Leticia):亚马逊地区哥伦比亚城市,以其市场、文化和生态旅游而闻名
  • 塔巴卡洛(Tabacal):哥伦比亚亚马逊地区的一个小镇,提供丛林探索和野生动物观赏的旅游
  • 阿马卡亚库自然国家公园(Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu):生物多样性丰富,拥有热带雨林、湖泊和野生动物


  • 三国纪念碑(Marco das Três Fronteiras):纪念巴西、哥伦比亚和秘鲁三国边界的纪念碑
  • 塔巴廷加-莱蒂西亚国际桥(Ponte Internacional Tabatinga-Leticia):连接巴西和哥伦比亚的国际桥,提供令人惊叹的亚马逊河景色
  • 塔巴廷加-莱蒂西亚自由贸易区(Zona Franca Tabatinga-Leticia):免税购物区,提供各种商品,包括电子产品、珠宝和纪念品
Lagoa Cristalina na BR-174, Presidente Figueiredo-Amazonas #amazonia #trip #like #follow #4k #views



Exploring the Enchanting Amazon Near Tabatinga International Airport

Tabatinga International Airport (TBT) serves as a gateway to the breathtaking Amazon rainforest. Located in the heart of Brazil, the airport offers easy access to a wealth of natural and cultural wonders that are sure to leave you enchanted.

Day 1: Amazon Riverboat Cruise

Embark on an unforgettable riverboat cruise along the mighty Amazon River. As you glide through the pristine waters, you'll witness the incredible diversity of wildlife, including exotic birds, playful monkeys, and majestic river dolphins.

Day 2: Visit the Museu do Seringal

Immerse yourself in the rich history of the Amazon rubber industry at the Museu do Seringal (Rubber Museum). This fascinating museum showcases the tools, techniques, and hardships faced by rubber tappers in the early 1900s.

Day 3: Indigenous Village Experience

Venture into an indigenous village and learn about the culture and traditions of the Amazon's indigenous populations. Participate in traditional dances, craft workshops, and gain a deep understanding of their connection to the rainforest.

Day 4: Pink River Dolphin Watching

Head to the Ariau Amazon Towers hotel and embark on a guided boat tour in search of the elusive pink river dolphins. These playful and inquisitive creatures are a delight to observe in their natural habitat.

Day 5: Waterfall Trek

Hike to the Cascata do Iracema, a stunning waterfall nestled in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The refreshing mist and cascading water create a serene and awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Tips for Planning Your Trip:

  • Book your tours in advance to secure your spot.
  • Consider hiring a local guide to enhance your experience.
  • Pack light clothing, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
  • Respect the local culture and environment.
  • Learn a few basic Portuguese phrases for easier communication.

