PAU-PYRENEES国际机场 | 机场过境旅游 | The Pau-Pyrenees International Airport


欢迎来到 PAU-PYRENEES 国际机场


  • 国家:法国
  • 城市:波城(Pau)


  • 温带海洋性气候,夏季温和干燥,冬季凉爽潮湿。


  • 距离市中心约 10 公里
  • 巴士:有巴士连接机场和市中心(巴士站位于航站楼外)
  • 出租车:出租车站位于航站楼外


  • 免税店
  • 餐饮区
  • 货币兑换处
  • 免费 Wi-Fi



  • 比利牛斯国家公园:壮丽的山峰、高山湖泊和令人惊叹的徒步小径。
  • 海滨度假胜地:比亞里茨、聖讓德呂茲、昂代伊等海滩小镇,提供冲浪、日光浴和水上运动。
  • 巴斯克地区:拥有独特文化、美食和语言的传统地区。


  • 阿尔卡雄湾:一个迷人的泻湖,周围环绕着沙丘和松树林。
  • 米米桑湖:一个风景如画的湖泊,适合游泳、划船和钓鱼。
  • 索斯森林:世界上最密集的海洋松林之一。


  • 露德:一个著名的朝圣地,有圣母玛利亚显现的洞穴。
  • 欧祖快运:一座建在悬崖上的历史古堡,俯瞰加龙河。
  • 塔尔布城:一座中世纪小镇,拥有鹅卵石街道、半木结构房屋和一座宏伟的教堂。
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Exploring the Enchanting Vicinity of Pau-Pyrénées International Airport (PUF)

Nestled amidst the picturesque foothills of the Pyrenees mountains, Pau-Pyrénées International Airport (PUF) serves as a gateway to a region brimming with natural beauty and cultural heritage. After disembarking your flight, embark on an unforgettable adventure as you explore the captivating surroundings of this charming airport.

Jurançon Vineyards (Vignobles du Jurançon)

Just a short drive from PUF, immerse yourself in the world-renowned Jurançon vineyards. Wander through rolling hills dotted with ancient vines, where the local grape variety, Petit Manseng, produces sweet and complex wines that have delighted connoisseurs for centuries. Take a guided tour of one of the numerous wineries, sample their exquisite vintages, and learn about the local winemaking traditions.

Pau Castle (Château de Pau)

Perched proudly overlooking the city of Pau, Pau Castle is an architectural gem that has witnessed the passage of time. Built in the 14th century, the castle served as the birthplace of Henry IV, the first Bourbon king of France. Explore its grand halls, admire its magnificent tapestries, and soak in the panoramic views of the Pyrenees that stretch out before you.

Bernadotte Museum (Musée Bernadotte)

Delve into the fascinating history of Pau's most famous royal resident, Marshal Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, at the Bernadotte Museum. This museum houses a remarkable collection of artifacts, portraits, and documents that shed light on Bernadotte's rise from humble beginnings to becoming King of Sweden and Norway.

Béarnese Museum (Musée Béarnais)

Discover the rich cultural heritage of the Béarn region at the Béarnese Museum. This museum showcases a diverse collection of prehistoric artifacts, medieval art, and traditional Béarnese costumes. Learn about the area's unique traditions, folklore, and the vibrant culture that has shaped this beautiful region.

Pyrenees National Park (Parc National des Pyrénées)

If you're seeking breathtaking natural beauty, venture into the nearby Pyrenees National Park. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to towering mountain peaks, pristine lakes, and lush forests that provide ample opportunities for hiking, wildlife viewing, and photography. Embark on a scenic drive along the legendary Col du Tourmalet pass, known for its dramatic switchbacks and unparalleled mountain vistas.

Hendaye Beach (Plage d'Hendaye)

Just an hour's drive from PUF, bask in the sun on the pristine sands of Hendaye Beach. This picturesque stretch of coastline offers invigorating waves for surfers, gentle waters for swimmers, and stunning views of the Basque Country. Relax on the beach, stroll along the charming promenade, or indulge in fresh seafood at one of the many seaside restaurants.


Whether you're an avid wine enthusiast, a history buff, or a nature lover, the vicinity of Pau-Pyrénées International Airport offers a kaleidoscope of experiences. From the rolling vineyards of Jurançon to the majestic peaks of the Pyrenees, the region beckons you to explore its hidden gems and create unforgettable memories.

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Pau-Pyrenees International Airport

在 Pau-Pyrénées 国际机场附近与家人度过难忘时光

我们最近在比利牛斯山脉的中心地带度过了一个愉快的假期,并通过 Pau-Pyrénées 国际机场抵达和离开。以下是我们在机场附近享受的一些令人惊叹的活动和景点:

  • 参观 Pau 城堡 (Château de Pau):这座雄伟的城堡坐落在市中心,俯瞰着城市和比利牛斯山脉。我们探索了其历史悠久的房间、欣赏了令人惊叹的景色,并了解了这座城市丰富的过去。

  • 在 Parc Beaumont 漫步:这座占地 100 多英亩的公园 (Beaumont Park) 为我们全家提供了完美的放松和游玩场所。我们漫步在小径上,欣赏了湖泊和花园,并在游乐场让孩子们开心。

  • 探索比利牛斯国家公园 (Pyrénées National Park):这个令人惊叹的国家公园距离机场仅一个小时的车程。我们徒步穿越了郁郁葱葱的山谷,欣赏了瀑布和野生动物,并在风景如画的山间小屋过夜。

  • 参观圣贝特朗德科明日主教座堂 (Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges Cathedral):这座令人印象深刻的 11 世纪主教座堂坐落在皮雷尼山脚下。我们被其精致的建筑和历史意义所震撼,并参加了一场令人难忘的导览之旅。

  • 在 Pau 市中心购物:市中心提供了各种购物场所,从精品店到百货公司。我们购买了当地纪念品、手工制品和美食,度过了一个愉快的下午。

Pau-Pyrénées 国际机场为我们提供了一个便捷的门户,可以探索南法比利牛斯山脉地区丰富的文化、自然和历史。我们很高兴与家人分享了这一令人难忘的经历,并将永远铭记这些美好的时光。

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