Thessaloniki Macedonia International Airport | 机场过境旅游


塞萨洛尼基马其顿国际机场 (SKG)





  • 塞萨洛尼基市中心:历史悠久的城市,拥有丰富的拜占庭和奥斯曼帝国建筑,以及热闹的夜生活和文化场景。
  • 白塔:塞萨洛尼基的地标,一座位於海滨的15世纪塔楼。
  • 考古博物馆:收藏了希腊北部的丰富考古发现,包括金饰、雕塑和马赛克。
  • 塞萨洛尼基考古遗址:由拜占庭教堂和罗马建筑组成的联合国教科文组织世界遗产。
  • 塞萨洛尼基海滨长廊:沿著海滨延伸的风景如画的步行区,拥有咖啡馆、酒吧和餐厅。
  • 哈尔基迪基半岛:拥有美丽的海滩、苍翠的森林和传统的村庄的半岛,距离机场约 90 分钟路程。
  • 梅泰奥拉修道院群:位于北部山区的一个联合国教科文组织世界遗产,由 建立在高耸岩石上的中世纪修道院组成。
  • 维尔吉纳:亚历山大大帝的出生地,拥有古希腊墓地和博物馆。
  • 卡瓦拉:海滨城市,拥有中世纪城堡和活跃的港口。
  • 德拉马:以其洞穴、瀑布和历史悠久的市中心而闻名的美丽城市。


Discover the Hidden Gems Near Thessaloniki Macedonia International Airport

Upon arriving at Thessaloniki Macedonia International Airport (SKG), don't rush into the city center. Venture off the beaten path and explore the surrounding areas for a surprising and enriching experience.

Visit the Perea Coastline

Just a short drive from the airport, the charming town of Perea offers a tranquil escape along the Thermaic Gulf. Stroll along the picturesque promenade, admiring the stunning views of Mount Olympus. Take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters of the Aegean Sea.

Explore the Nea Moudania Marina

A few kilometers further along the coast lies the vibrant Nea Moudania Marina. Admire the sleek yachts docked in the harbor and soak up the Mediterranean atmosphere. Enjoy a delightful meal at one of the many waterfront restaurants, savoring freshly caught seafood.

Discover the Historical Village of Thermi

Nestled in the foothills of Mount Chortiatis, Thermi is a charming village steeped in history. Visit the ancient Roman baths and explore the atmospheric streets, lined with traditional houses and quaint cafes. Experience the local culture and traditions at the village's annual festivals.

Hike to Mount Chortiatis

For those seeking adventure, embark on a scenic hike to the summit of Mount Chortiatis. The trail winds through lush forests and offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Capture stunning photos of the airport runway and the distant metropolis of Thessaloniki.

Relax at the Nea Paralia Beach

If you crave a beach escape near the airport, head to Nea Paralia Beach. Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a leisurely day basking in the sun, building sandcastles, and swimming in the refreshing waters. Numerous beach bars and restaurants provide refreshments and entertainment.

As you explore these hidden treasures near Thessaloniki Macedonia International Airport, you're sure to create unforgettable memories and discover the region's enchanting beauty.



抵达塞萨洛尼基马其顿国际机场 (SKG) 后,我们的家人踏上了探索这座令人惊叹的城市及其周边地区的激动人心之旅。机场便利的地理位置,为我们在附近探索提供了丰富的选择。

Thessaloniki Museum of Photography (塞萨洛尼基摄影博物馆)

我们首先参观了塞萨洛尼基摄影博物馆,它距离机场仅 15 分钟车程。这座博物馆展示了摄影的迷人历史,从早期图像到现代杰作。我们惊叹于令人惊叹的展览,这些展览捕捉了塞萨洛尼基的城市生活和希腊的自然美景。

Thermi Beach (瑟尔米海滩)


IKEA (宜家)

如果您正在寻找购物和家居用品,宜家距离机场不到 10 分钟路程。我们花了一些时间浏览了庞大的商店,并为我们的家找到了几件特别的东西。您还可以在这里享用一顿美味的瑞典式晚餐,体验宜家独有的购物体验。

Macedonia Airport Shopping Park (马其顿机场购物公园)

对于那些寻找更广泛的购物选择的人来说,马其顿机场购物公园是一个理想的去处。它距离机场仅 5 分钟车程,拥有各种商店,从国际品牌到当地精品店。我们找到了一些很棒的纪念品和礼物,为我们的旅行画上了完美的句点。


