Yantai Penglai International Airport | 机场过境旅游






  • 温带季风气候
  • 四季分明,夏季炎热多雨,冬季寒冷干燥


  • 蓬莱阁:一座历史悠久的道教寺庙,建于东汉时期(25-220 年)。它以其壮观的海景和与八仙神话的联系而闻名。
  • 八仙山风景区:一个风景如画的公园,以其与中国民间传说“八仙过海”的联系而命名。公园内有许多寺庙、雕像和洞穴,可以欣赏到令人惊叹的景色。
  • 长岛:一个群岛,以其迷人的海岸线、清澈的海水和丰富的海洋生物而闻名。您可以在这里进行各种水上活动,例如游泳、浮潜和钓鱼。
  • 芝罘岛:一个半岛,以其历史名胜古迹和自然美景而闻名。岛上可以参观烟台博物馆、刘公岛甲午战争博物馆和鹿城公园。
  • 昆嵛山:一座风景秀丽的山脉,以其茂密的森林、瀑布和寺庙而闻名。这座山是徒步旅行、露营和观景的理想场所。


Exploring the Enchanting Surroundings of Yantai Penglai International Airport (YNT)


Yantai Penglai International Airport, nestled on the scenic Shandong Peninsula, offers not only convenient air travel but also a gateway to an array of captivating attractions. From historical wonders to natural marvels, the airport's vicinity holds a treasure trove of experiences.

Jiaozhou Bay Bridge (Jiaozhou Wan Daqiao)

Immediately adjacent to the airport lies the awe-inspiring Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, one of the longest跨海大桥 in the world. Spanning an impressive 36.48 kilometers, this architectural masterpiece offers breathtaking panoramic views of the vast Jiaozhou Bay. Whether you choose to drive or take a leisurely stroll along the pedestrian walkway, the bridge promises an unforgettable experience.

Longkou South Wudaozhai (Longkou Nan Wudaozhai)

A short drive from YNT airport, Longkou South Wudaozhai is a secluded paradise nestled on the shores of the Yellow Sea. This picturesque scenic area boasts stunning rock formations, lush vegetation, and pristine beaches. Hike along the winding trails, marvel at the ancient Buddhist temples, and soak in the tranquility of this coastal gem.

Yantai Wine Culture Museum (Yantai Jiuchanye Bowuguan)

For wine enthusiasts, Yantai Wine Culture Museum is a must-visit destination. As the birthplace of China's modern wine industry, Yantai is home to several renowned wineries. The museum showcases the history, production techniques, and varieties of Yantai wines, offering a comprehensive immersion into the region's rich viticulture.

Yantai Yuhuangding Park (Yantai Yuhuangding Gongyuan)

Located in the heart of Yantai City, Yuhuangding Park is an oasis of tranquility amidst the urban landscape. Perched atop Yuhuang Hill, the park offers spectacular views of the surrounding city and coastline. Explore its ancient temples, wander through its serene gardens, and climb to the summit for a mesmerizing panorama.

Penglai Pavilion (Penglai Ge)

A short drive from the airport, Penglai Pavilion is a legendary historical landmark associated with the Eight Immortals of Chinese mythology. Perched on the edge of the sea, this exquisitely restored pavilion offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of Yantai.


Exploring the surroundings of Yantai Penglai International Airport is a journey filled with wonder and discovery. From awe-inspiring bridges to ancient landmarks, scenic landscapes to cultural treasures, this region beckons travelers with a captivating tapestry of experiences. Whether you have a long layover or are planning an extended stay, embrace the opportunity to venture beyond the airport and immerse yourself in the vibrant offerings of Yantai.





一下飞机,我们就前往蓬莱仙境(Penglai Fairyland),这是一座风景如画的公园,拥有令人惊叹的沿海景色。我们沿着木栈道漫步,欣赏着波光粼粼的大海和远处山峰的壮丽景色。


第二天,我们参观了标志性的蓬莱阁(Penglai Pavilion),这是一座坐落在悬崖上的古老寺庙。这座寺庙建于明朝,以其令人惊叹的建筑和丰富的历史而闻名。我们登上了塔顶,从那里我们可以俯瞰烟台市的全景。


晚上,我们前往八仙过海(Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea)广场。在这个热闹的广场上,我们观看了令人印象深刻的灯光秀,讲述了八位神仙驾云渡过大海的故事。周围环绕着商店和餐馆,提供了热闹的氛围。


第三天,我们乘船前往风景如画的长岛(Changdao Island)。这个岛屿以其宁静的海滩、郁郁葱葱的森林和别致的村庄而闻名。我们骑自行车探索了岛屿,并欣赏了令人叹为观止的海岸线。




